Pull a prank on him Kendall and logan imagine

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"Hurry up" Carlos yelled from the top of the stairs. "I'm coming, just need to finish this." You yelled in response. "Y/N his cars pulling up you gotta hurry!" You heard Logan yell. You emptied the rest of the flour into the bucket, disposed of all of the evidence and ran up the stairs to the roof. Dustin and Logan were in control of the water, Carlos had the feathers and you and James had the flour, this was going to be priceless. You looked down to the parking lot of your building to see that Kendall was just getting out of his car and he was starting to make his way to your door. "Are you ready?" Carlos asked you. "As I'll ever be" you replied and just as Kendall was about to reach the door to your house, your plan went into action. "GO!!!" Dustin and Logan yelled and they emptied out the water from their bucket, as soon as they was done you and James dropped the flour and not a second later Carlos dropped the feathers as well. After all of the buckets were emptied you all looked down to see your handy work and what you saw completely shocked you. "You've gotta be kidding me"you heard James say. Kendall was completely spotless! Not even a drop of water or flour, not even a feather had touched him! " How is that even possible" James said. "You guys should really learn not to yell out before you execute your plans. But come on, did you really think you could prank me, you should know better!" Kendall said with a smile on his face. "We need to work on our aim!" You whispered to the boys which caused them all to let out a laugh. "Y/N don't tell me you were in on this!? You of all people should know you never try and prank me!" you rolled your eyes at your boyfriend but you were unable to contain your giggles as you saw him walk into your house with his chin held high and a cocky attitude that only he could pull off.


You and Logan were having a movie night at your house with all the guys and as usual Logan fell asleep halfway into the movie. Logan had been asleep for about twenty minutes when an idea popped into your head, you wiggled out from under Logan's arm and got up from the couch and went into the kitchen. None of the boys paid you any attention and kept their eyes on the TV, but when you returned with whipped cream and a feather their faces lit up as they realized what it was you were going to do. "Anybody want to help?" You asked the guys and they all jumped at the opportunity. You saw Carlos run and get a camera and James hovered around you as you went to Logan. Kendall immediately asked if he could have the feather and you handed it over to him. "Alright let's do this!" You said. You slowly grabbed his hand and put it down onto the couch and began to fill it with whipped cream until it was completely covered in it. When you were done you looked up at Kendall, who had positioned himself on the other side of Logan. "Do it!" You whispered. Kendall started to run the feather along the side of Logan's face. Logan slowly started to move his hand and before you knew it his hand went across his face, causing the whipped cream to go everywhere.Logan jumped up at the impact and slowly began to realize what had happened and he immediately looked up at you. "Oh I'm so gonna get you back for this Y/N"."In your dreams" You replied. "Oh this is so going on twitter" Carlos said from behind you. Logan looked terrified "Wait you got that on video!" "Yup and pictures, those are going on instagram." "We couldn't help it love, it was just the perfect opportunity!" You gave him your best puppy dog face.

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