Logan imagine "Getting Hate"

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Normal P.O.V

You lay in bed staring at your facebook. It was the same one you had before you and Logan had started dating. You didn't have to make a knew one because the fans hadn't found it yet. You were scrolling through some old posts when your phone vibrated next to you. It was a text from your friend saying


You laughed because she always exaggerated things. It was probably just some cute picture of a puppy or something that she really wanted you to look at but you refreshed the page anyways. The first post that popped up made you go numb, it read

"(Y/N) is so ugly I hope she's dies! It's not like she actually likes Logan she is just a little gold digger."

Your hands shook as you displayed all of the 27 comments it had already gotten.

"I wouldn't think Logan would be so desperate what with girls throwing themselves at him but apparently he is pathetic enough to go out with that ugly loser!!"

"Ya really, she is the ugliest person I have ever met."

"Stupid, she thinks she can get any guy but the truth is she is just an ugly fat idiot."

You couldn't stop reading them, you knew you should and that they would only make you more upset but you just kept scrolling as the comments kept coming. You felt your phone go off next to you again, it was your friend again

"Are you ok? They are just jealous it's stupid that they said those things! I'm really sorry though."

You didn't want to let on to how hurt you were. You knew you should let this roll off your back but it wasn't that easy for you. You responded saying you were fine and made sure to add lots of smiley faces for emphasis. You knew inside that you weren't fine. You just wanted to curl up and die. You changed into sweat pants and a hoodie and laid on the floor blasting sad music. You were void of emotions now. At first you had felt sadness but it felt like everything had been drained from you. You had endured this torture for weeks. This was just what pushed you over the edge. You could hear their whispers in the hallway, the snide remarks as you sat in your desk, but at school and in public you had to put on a brave face. Now that it was happening at home when no one was around, the little cracks they had made in you suddenly widened and you crumbled. Tears streamed down your face but you couldn't even feel them. You didn't see the point in trying to defend yourself anymore, you didn't see the point in anything. You were an empty shell void of all reason to keep breathing. A small thought of Logan flashed through your mind, you thought you might like it if he was here but then you realized you didn't want him to see you like this. You laughed cruelly at the person you were now, disgusted and ashamed but also not willing to change.

You don't know how you got there but you found yourself on the rocky shore of the lake that was outside your house. The water lapped at the stones mocking you. Like the feeling spreading inside of you. You picked up a cold stone feeling it's surface wondering how long it took for the water to smooth it's ruff edges. Too long you though to yourself. Before you knew what your motives where you had stuffed that rock in your pocket. You grabbed more frantically weighing yourself down. You felt the thread you had been hanging on to for dear life slip out of your grasp and you watched yourself spinning out of control as you stepped towards the water. All intentions were clear now as you stood, rocks so heavily laden with rocks that once you stepped into the water there would be no way you could possibly stay afloat. The water pulled at your pant legs beckoning you forward and you walked on almost in a trance. You were up to your shoulders, there was no point in turning back now and you had excepted that. Your time on earth was over. You dove fully under water, making the final plunge into death. You rapidly sank to the bottom but you didn't try to fight it you just sat there, waiting. Suddenly strong arms wrapped themselves around you and pulled you to shore. You were unaware of what happened until you saw Logan's beautiful face staring back at you. Tears stained his cheeks and he just looked at you, "I don't want to go on without you (Y/N), you mean the world to me. Please don't leave me, don't do this to yourself. Lots of people love you, I love you. Promise me you will never hurt yourself like this ever again!" His eyes were full of tears. Emotions flooded back into you when you saw this and you realized how much you had to live for. You didn't want your adventure to end so soon. "I promise" you whispered.


A/N~ YAY sad imagine I shouldn't be happy *changes moods* I'm crying sad imagine. There that's better lol. First sad imagine tell me what you guys think of it should I write more sad ones or just happy one. Hope you guys liked it. Oh and can I just take a moment and say how proud I am if the guys they sold out two concert in Mexico that's bigger the MSG the boys came so far in life. I don't know if I could be more proud of them they went from small venues to sold out arenas holding over 25,000 people. ALL 3 ALBUMS WENT GOLD in Mexico and we may win the KCAs in Mexico. Every single one if you RUSHERS are going to meet the boys and thank them and tell them how proud you are if them. Your wish to meet then will come true. "Dreams do come true I promise you" ~Olivia Somerlyn.

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