The Day

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You wake up to your annoying alarm and got dressed. You put your 'morning' playlist on your phone and flat irorned your hair. "(Y/N), you awake?" you hear your mom yell from the living room. You had everything done so far, all you needed was breakfast. *Time Skip* After you ate your breakfast, you got your backpack and went out the door, as you walked out you asked your mom something, "Oh and uh mom,I'm going over to my friends house to tutor them, can I go?" You wait for a response. "Huh? Oh sure just don't stay out too late,come back at 7 okay?" You smile and say "Got it,thanks mom!" you run out the door to get to the bus stop. You arrive once the bus gets there. The bus ride was nothing special you just put in your ear buds and put on your 'morning' playlist again until you I got to school. *Time skip* The whole school day was normal as usual except at lunch when (AF/N) tried to talk to (C/N) and he would ignore him. You are in your 8th period, staring at the clock. 3:13, come on!! How long is this class anyway?
You stare in boredom because you finished your paper early so you just sat there, waiting. 3:14!! One more minute. Tick, tick, tick... 3:15!!! Come on bell rin- *RING* You get up immediately and get your bag and walk out of class. Since you usually walked home you decided to take the bus. Just like the morning bus ride, you popped in your ear buds and jammed out to your 'Finally Friday!' playlist. You just realized how many playlists you have. "I really need to delete some of those." you say to your self. You move foward as the bus stops. You get up and walk to your house. Once inside you get your sling bag, put notes and two pencils in there. You decide to also put in your (FA/N) shirt. Might as well look casual. You put your hair up in a pony tail but leave your bangs out. Lets see..notes, check, pencils, check...what am I missing? You look around the room to find the one thing you needed. Oh! I need the textbook of course! Once you have everything you get on your bike and start to pedal. Of course you put on a 'Bike' playlist because why not? Once you arrive you text (C/N) that you're outside. *Bzzz* 'k I'm coming.' You leave your bike on his front porch. He opens the door. You blush a little when you see what he's wearing. A black and red flannel with dark blue jeans and a slouch beanie . "Did you have to dress like that? I'm only tutoring you." You say as you walk inside. "I don't want to look like a slob." He says with a relaxed tone. Where's his parents? "Uhh (C/N) where are your parents?" you say as you are looking for a place to put your bag down. "Oh they won't be back til 8, they work late." So I'm in (C/N)'s house without his parents here? No stop blushing!! Its just tutoring! "Well where should we to start your tutoring?" He motions toward a door in the hallway. "I was thinking my room. Come on let's go." You gulp at the idea of being all alone with (C/N) in his room.
You start to walk to the room. You begin to set up your books but as you put the last thing down you feel a force push you down behind you. You've been pinned down, you see (C/N) on top of you with lust in his eyes. "(C/N) what are you doin-" You are interrupted by a forcefull kiss. You are shocked but can't pull away. (C/N) begins to move more down towards your neck and soon finds a sweetspot. He begins to suck on that spot until you let out a small moan. "(C/N)...p-please, stop..." you utter out as you try to push him off of you. "Why would I?" He begins to move his hands toward your hips but you stop him and finally escape his grasp. "(C/N) what do you think you doing?!" The lust that was once in his eyes turns into sympathy as he sits down on the floor. But that didn't last long as he begins to move toward you quickly. "I have to make the first move before he does!" he says as he kisses you again but in a more passionate way that turns into rough kiss. "(C/N) who do you mean? Who will make the firs-" He stops you by moving his hands down your spine that sends you in chills but you soon push him off again forcefully. "Who is gonna make a first move?!" you yell as (C/N) is on the floor with a scratch on his arm. "(AF/N)!! I see the way he looks at you and I don't like it!" You are in shock as you begin to realize that the reason why (C/N) was mad was because he was jealous. But he was jealous of (AF/N)...someone you had no interest in. "(C/N) I don't even like (AF/N), how could he have a chance when I already like you!!" You cover your mouth as you heard what you just said. You're red and (C/N)'s face turns into a small smile,he lets out a chuckle. He relaxes as he laughs "What's so funny?" you say confused. "I knew you liked me! I don't know what I was so worried about. All I needed was to here it from you." Huh? Did he plan this all along? "Wha? Are you saying you I knew all along?" You have a bit of a angry face. (C/N) sees this and stops laughing. He gets up, "Hey, now that we know we both like each other why can we just-"he stops and attempt to kiss you again but you pull away. "Is this all you want me for?" you say as your are raging mad. "I'm not just some puppet you can manipula-" He stops you with another kiss but not a one like before, it was sweet and passionate you couldn't help but melt into the kiss. You legs weakened and your grip that you had on his arms weakened as well until your hands fell at your side. You didn't open your eyes until the kiss stopped. "I would never manipulate you. I don't need to, I already knew you would fall for me." He turns you around and wraps his arms around your waist,giving you a back hug. You couldn't help but feel warm inside, it was your weakness after all. To make it even sweeter he puts his chin on your shoulders and says something in your ear, "Can we stay like this forever?" Hearing this is like a dream come true.Your hand slowly reaches his chin, you move it to give him a kiss. "Sure-" *Bzzz* You hear your phone vibrate from your bag. "Or not." you say as you try to get your phone but (C/N) stops you. "Please, just wait five more minutes. Here in my arms." You blush deeply. Five minutes couldn't hurt. After those five minutes pass you get your phone and see that your mom texted you. '10 min til you have to get back home.' You laugh. "Well I guess I have to go.." (C/N) looks up from where he is sitting with puppy dog eyes. "So soon?" You want to say you can stay for a few more minutes but knowing you and your mom, you decide to go back home. (C/N) walks you out and gives you one last goodbye kiss for the evening, "See ya later, I guess.." You get an idea and tell (C/N). "I can come back to 'tutor' you more,my mom wouldn't mind." His face lights up with excitement. "I would love that!" after that you pedal back home to find a note on your door step addressed to you. ~To
Be Continued

Authors note: I know I made this chapter WAY longer that the others but that's what happens when I let my imagination run free for 3 days. Anyways hope you enjoyed it!~Bunny(•x•)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2017 ⏰

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