Night Drive (ImmortalHD x Reader) (Fluff)

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It's around 9:30pm, it's a beautiful, chilled night here in Colorado. The stars are so clearly visible, bright.

Hand in hand with my best friend, my boyfriend, my everything, I take the time to take in all of his features, all of his features that make me love him even more.

"You alright babe?" Aleks asks taking his eyes off the road slightly. I smile

"Yeah, I'm alright."

"You sure? You were just staring at me." he laughs slightly.

Tightening my hand around his a little..

"I was just admiring your features, that's all." I say looking out the window.

"Ya know..." he begins

"Hmm?" I say turning and looking at him.

"I never thought of having you as my beautiful girlfriend Y/N." Aleks says tightening his grip a bit around my hand.

He pulls over on the side of the road, parks, looks at me, grabs my other hand, holding both.

He looks into my eyes and mine into his, he smiles..

  "I love you Y/N."

"I love you too Aleksandr." I say, he leans in, and what a passionate kiss that was.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2016 ⏰

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