Chapter 1

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So I know I have a shit ton of stories to work on but this book will probably be short.

"Happy birthday Craig!"
"Thanks Grandma."
"I have a big surprise for you!" She grabs my arm and pulls me towards her giant SUV. Grandma opens the trunk and calls my dad over to help her grab something. They pull out a large box.
"Here it is Craig! Your new bed!" She smiles happily. "Do you like it?"
I do nothing.
"I'll have your father put it together immediately."
She screeches my dads name, even though he's right next to her, and he agrees to set the bed up.
It takes four days. Dad obviously did something wrong because it's almost two feet off the ground. It's a struggle getting into it.
"Well, it was tough. But it's finished. How about having a friend over to celebrate. Tweek, I'm guessing?"
My parents have been milking the whole 'Tweek x Craig' thing.
"No." I pause. I don't have alot of friends. Only Tweek, Token, Clyde, Jimmy and; "Kenny?"
Mom and dad look at each other. I hardly hang out with him.
"Oh, ok honey." Mom smiles. "I'll call Mrs. McCormick."
Sure enough, Kenny is pounding on my door that Saturday.
"Hey dude! Before anything, could I use your shower?"
"I don't give a fuck."
The poor kid runs into my bedroom and strips naked, then prances into the bathroom. He uses up all the hot water. As soon as mom sees Kenny's clothes, she recoiled in disgust and throws them in the wash. She lays out some of my clothes for him to wear. Blue sweatpants, blue socks, and a guinea pig shirt dad got me last Christmas. I pick up Stripe out of her cage and lay on the floor.
Kenny steps in, dripping wet. "Your mom's really nice. I guess all that bush comes with a great personality." He grins his crooked teeth grin.
I flip him off and continue to play with Stripe.
"So what're we gonna do? Am I gonna lead the conversations, or will we do something where neither of us has to talk?"
"Neither of us talking sounds good." I remark.
His smile fades. "Oh. But if we're not gonna do anything, why'd you invite me over?"
Why did I invite him over? If I'd invited Tweek we'd be playing with Stripe or some legos he brought over. Token would've brought his game system, and so would Clyde. Jimmy and I would be discussing comic books. But why did Kenny even agree to sleep over? He has his asshole friends. They're usually doing something idiotic. Or 'fun' in their standards.
"I dunno." I answer hesitantly. "Why'd you say yes to hanging out with me instead of your other friends?"
His brow furrows. "To be honest, I doubt those guys even like me. They hardly include me in things. Sometimes they do, but only when they need a substitute or test dummy. They don't notice when I'm gone or with them. Stan and Kyle are laughing about something. Cartman's trying to make Kyle mad. They don't even remember when I d-!" He stops himself. "Nevermind."
I'd never thought of Kenny's situation. I'm kinda the leader of my group. We do whatever I have planned. Of course sometimes Stan and the assfucks will drag me into some dangerous situation. Then what do my friends do without me? Do they have more fun? Do they enjoy me not being around? What do they really think about me?
"The only real friend I have is Butters." Kenny's eyes water up. "He and my sister are the only people who give a fuck about me in this entire town."
My mouth opens before my brain can catch up. "That's not true!"
He looks up. "Huh? Who else would there be?"
My face heats up. I get up and put Stripe in her home just so Kenny wouldn't see my blush. "Me. I give a fuck about you."
Silence fills the room. Then, bony arms slowly slid around my waist, squeezing me.
My face gets hotter as I realize this is a hug.
"Thank you, Craig."
"U-Uh, no problem?"
He giggles and buries his face is the crook of my neck. His breath tickles. I twist in his arms, so I'm facing him. Kenny's grin returns and he plants a tiny kiss right on the tip of my nose.
"Boys!" My mothers shrill voice cuts threw the house. "Pizza's here!"
Kenny runs downstairs, sitting next to an empty seat reserved for me.
"Are you ok, Craig? Your face is really red." Mom gives me a worried look and dad raises an eyebrow.
"I'm fine." I swat at her hand as she tries to feel my forehead.
Kenny is intrigued by everything my family has to say. Anytime somebody scowls or raises their voice, he'll stop eating and make them feel better. For once everyone is happy together.
After dinner, my dad suggests we watch a movie. I immediately say horror so Ruby can't stay down here. She growls and sticks up her middle finger. Dad says we're aloud to watch horror by ourselves when we turn 10, because some of the movies are 'too gory.'
We pick an R-rated 4-star movie on Netflix. The movie isn't even 20 minutes in and it's already scary. Kenny jumps at every little jumpscare which I find hilarious.
"Shut up, Fucker. I wasn't scared, I was... surprised." He barks.
I smirk. "Sure."
As the movie progresses, the blonde gets closer and closer to me until he's practically sitting on my lap. Surprisingly, this doesn't bother me.
The credits roll, Kenny's shaking.
"Dude. The movie wasn't even that scary."
He closes his eyes and grabs my hand. "Whatever. Let's just go back up to your room."
Kenny doesn't open his eye's till we're sitting on my bed. "Is that better, scardy-shit?"
"Yes fucktard." He crosses his arms.
"Well it's 10:00. Your beds set up on the floor." I point to a pile of blankets.
He gives the blankets a confused look, then his face lights up. "Could I sleep under your bed?"
"I can fit under there, so why not?"
"Um... ok."
Kenny smiles and sets up his blankets underneath me. I switch off the lights.
"Goodnight Kenny."
A happy voice echoes from under my bed. "Goodnight Craig."

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