Part Two: Who's Really in Charge?

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You were greeted by a very unhappy Locus.

"You're late..." He remarked, his voice sounding mildly irritated.

"Well you see, that's kind of the point, Loc" you said in a cheerful tone. "I'm pretty sure it's a unanimous vote here to dib YOU as the responsible one. Your duties include handling all of the phone calls with control! Now isn't that great!" your voice rang out as you gave him a soft punch to the shoulder. He simply glared at Felix from under his helmet, clearly not amused.

"Woah hey there now, she's not MY responsibility. Last time I checked, it was YOUR turn to watch her" Felix said defensively.

"While you were off doing something unimportant, control called to give us a new task. It's a mission where-"

"Oh HEY check this out, all the details of the very important task at hand" you said as you transferred the data from Locus' armor to yours. "Mmmmmmmyup, looks like some secret disguises here, some deceit there, and oh my personal favorite... role playing." You said as your helmet was detailing all of the information in a digital display. "Do I follow everything correctly?"

"How did you..." Felix started to question.

"Armor upgrade. Get on my level" you taunted to him, loving at how visibly angry it made him.

"Why don't we ever get anything cool from control" Felix complained.

"Oh this isn't from control." You said as you turned the digital display off in your helmet, choosing to not further elaborate. And as you started to sense a question arising from him, you did a classic move of yours, by dodging the question even before it was asked.

"My only concern here is are they going to buy it" you said as you folded your arms across your chest in thought.

"They'll be expecting new recruits. According to the knowledge that we have, they were never told how many recruits they would receive or when exactly that they would arrive" Locus commented.

"Mhmmm now hacking... Aha... According to their data logs... they should be expecting someone within the next week or so" you said as you searched through some of their command's private records. "Although I'm really not liking the looks of this. Something seems really fishy about this whole situation" you commented as you sifted through more data.

"Seriously... why does she get all the awesome high tech gear... I mean if you ask me-"

"Be quiet" Locus silenced Felix, annoyed.

"I'm just saying. Just imagine what you could do with that sort of-"

"Felix..." Locus hissed in warning.

"I'm starting to realize now why I got assigned with you two. Which mainly consists of settling differences, acting as leader, and oh yes... keeping you two from tearing each other apart" you laughed.

"Hey who died and made you queen. I don't remember a vote on this. Not very Democratic there, sweetheart." Felix remarked.

"Boys, this should be a piece of cake." You said with smirk of confidence in your voice as you put your hands on each of their shoulders. "The odds are in our favor" you said as you looked down over the canyon taking center position with Locus on your left and Felix on your right. Who's really in charge?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2016 ⏰

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