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"Did you eat my cookies?" Lukas asked you as he looked for his cookies in the freezer.
"W-w-what? I didn't eat you cookies! You had cookies? I saw Matthias eating cookies two days ago, I think!" You rushed to tell a lie to your boyfriend, Lukas Bondevik, also known as Norway.
"You're lying," Lukas said, nonchalantly.
"N-no I'm not! Why would you think that!"
"Because I just got these cookies yesterday."
"O-oh..." You sighed, knowing it was useless to tell him lies like this. He always saw right through them.
The two of you sat in silence...

...Until you suddenly remembered a picture you saw of Lukas dancing to the song "The Fox", and you burst out laughing.
"Why are you laughing?" He asked.
"A-ahh... I was laughing at a joke I suddenly remembered!" You told another lie.
You were a little annoyed by how well he could tell when you were lying.
"This is why I hate you, Lukas." You said to his face.
"..." He stayed still, silently processing your words, with a bored look on his face.


This one is very short! It's 12:40AM where I live and I need some sleep! Sorry I couldn't write more!

Norway x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now