Chapter 7

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Not Edited

Bailey's POV

"Also if I may point out, that truck weighed ten tons including all the items inside. Even with metabolism that's still impossible." Maklin and I stared at each other wide eyed.

"I hope you don't mind me asking what's inside" I ask trying to stay calm, but consequently my voice goes high pitched.

"Metal for a construction project down town actually. We were going to tear down the old wear house." There is a pause until he finally speaks again. "We would like you to work for us, and let us unfold your capabilities."

"You mean like experimenting on me?"

"In a way but think of all of the people you can save."

"What if I just want a normal life?"

"We could arrange that, but we"ll give you a couple days to decide. Think of the good you could bring to human kind."

"I'm sorry but I'll have to pass" I say looking down at the floor looking guilty.

"Please, Miss. Vondana-"

"I said I'll pass." I can't help the anger in my voice, but experimenting on me is too far.

"Ok I'll have one of my men escort you home then." The president replies, a look of disappointment on his face. "If you change you mind we could discuss terms."

I quietly exit the room behind the security guard.

We get back home and watch the news. The news caster reads the videos are fake, and the people who claim they are real are currently being tried for creating fake news that caused panic among people.

Maklin comes in the room apparently also watching the news and screams, "Good job people are gonna be in jail because of you!"

Maklin's POV

When we finally get home I change into my pajamas which is a plain white top, and red with white polka dot pants. As I pull my top on, it gets stuck on something. I feel what it is and try to pull it off, but I push something like a button and it claws into my back getting stuck further. My eyes water from the pain, but once it finishes I feel different. I am jealous and angry at Bailey because of everything. How come she gets powers and not me! I pull my shirt on the rest of the way and storm out.

I walk into the living room and hear the news caster say something about therapy. Then I see Baileys picture on the screen, and without thinking I burst out. "Good job people are gonna be in jail because of you!"and just storm out of the house.

I run, I don't know where I just run. I know were I'm going, but I don't at the same time.

Soon I come to an old warehouse and walk in. I looked around at all of the equipment and freeze when I see her.

Bailey's POV

After she screams that I put people in jail I look to tell her I know and how I'm going to fix it, but she just runs out of the house. How could she run though. I don't think much of it I just want my sister back, and to ask about her unusual behavior.

I run to the door and scream that I am sorry, but she doesn't hear me and keeps running. I quickly get the car keys, for the new car that the president gave me after the crash, and start driving but I don't have any idea where she went. I call her phone and she answers.

"Bailey why don't you just leave me alone!" She screams.

"Maklin I'm really sorry just give me a chance."

"I already gave you a chance!" She pauses "but you just pushed me away again." She hangs up before I can do anything else.


Ok so sorry it took such a long time to publish. I'm kinda doing this on the bus... so yeah sorry if it took me a long time.

Again, thanks for reading!

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