Beginning of the end

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Hanna's POV

My wedding is Today! Since the time Spencer and Ali came over to make sure I've been eating I have been getting progressively better. I even had to alter my dress again because it was too small.

Caleb and I are really excited but really nervous. He is over at Ezra's house with Toby and I'm here with all of the girls and my mother.

The girls were wearing pink bridesmaid dresses and Emily was my maid of honour. Maddie is the flower girl and she looks adorable in her dress.

"You guys look gorgeous." I said staring at all of them.

"Why don't you go and put your dress on?" My mom suggested

I Walked off to my room with her to go and put it on.

"Hanna you look absolutely gorgeous she said putting me in front of the mirror and I couldn't help but smile.

"Hanna you look absolutely gorgeous she said putting me in front of the mirror and I couldn't help but smile

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We went to show the girls and they all loved it.

Spencer came over and brought me a smoothie. I took it because i did not want to faint at the alter.

"Are you ready Hanna?" Ali asked me pulling me aside.

"I think so." I answered nervously.

"You look absolutely gorgeous." She said adjusting a piece of my hair over my shoulder.

"Thanks." I blushed.

"I really mean it. Caleb is lucky to have someone like you. You are so loving and kind and seriously really pretty. I know I may have been mean to you in the past but I really am sorry for everything I have ever told you. I thought I was being helpful but I was just being a bitch. Hanna I love you!" Ali said hugging me.

"Thank you Ali that really means a lot to me." I responded as I hugged her back.

"Line up everybody, it's time to walk down the isle." My mom said and suddenly I got very, very nervous.

"You look perfect." Emily whispered into my ear and I couldn't help but smile.

I heard the loud music playing as all the girls started walking down the isle.

We all told Maddie to throw the flowers but she ended up running up and down the isle before Caleb had to go and get her and sit her still.

We all laughed. Even my dad. he's walking me down. I'm really happy he came.

When it came time for me to walk down the isle I could tell people were staring at my waist. I haven't seen some of these people in forever and they probably think I'm anorexic. I felt a little self conscious but then I saw Caleb wipe away a tear and I started to forget about everything and I just stared at him starting to get emotional.

Ted was the one officiating our wedding.

"If you two have any vows now is the time to read them."

"Hanna, when I saw you for the first time you took my breath away. I was the new guy and you were the gorgeous popular girl. No one had ever given me a chance before expect for you and I am forever grateful for that. I mean look where it got us. I am so glad to be able to say that I'm part of your family and to be able to call you my wife. I will stay by you and by Maddie for the rest of my life and I will never give up on us,ever. I love you Hanna. I always will." He said his voice shaky. I wiped a year off of his face and then do started my vows.

"Caleb when I first saw you, I thought you were kinda creepy, but the more I got to know you the more I realized that you are the sweetest guy I have ever known. You have been there for me through everything good and bad,and I just want to that you for that. I want you to know that I will never forget everything you have done for Maddie and I. You are an amazing father and you are going to be an amazing husband. Caleb I love you more than you can ever imagine and I will never stop loving you." I said crying happy tears.

"Thank you." Ted said before starting with the questions.

"Do you Caleb take Hanna to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do" he said starting at me in the eyes

"Do you Hanna take Caleb to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." I said bursting with joy.

"Caleb, you may now kiss your bride." Ted said and Caleb grabbed me by the waist and pulled me in for a kiss as everyone cheered.

The party afterwards was really fun. We danced all night and I ate cake and it was just really fun. My mom left at around 12:00 with Maddie because they were both getting really tired. The girls left at around 4 am and all that was left was me and Caleb sitting in the middle of the dance floor.

I wanted this day to last forever but that can't happen. I have a life now, I have a family now. I need to think about everybody else and not just myself. I'm going to try to get better and I'm not going to let -A define me anymore because screw that bitch! We have to live life looking forward not looking back and I can actually say that I think I'm finally ready for that.

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