Story 1: Light in the Distance- Spooky

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There it is, I thought as I looked up at the 109.4 foot tall lighthouse. I had learned about it in Social Studies with Ms.Farewell. Along with every other lighthouse in Rhode Island. I live in Weekapaug. The Charles A. Stanton lighthouse was said to be haunted. How you may ask? Well I'll tell you.
It all started back in the 1880's. A 15 year old girl Annabelle was a rebellious teenager, so she planned to break into the lighthouse. She and a group of friends were going to dig holes to get under the lighthouse and break in. But when they got there, Annabelle's friends noticed a high tide, and chickened out on breaking in. Annabelle, however, decided to go ahead with her plan and her friends would be look-outs for her. It was around 1 am when the tide got unusually high, so her friends yelled down the hole to come back. They heard her shout she was coming out, but she wasn't fast enough, and the tide came in and drowned her. Years later when her friends came back to that spot, they reported hearing her ghostly moans.

Never make a bet again. I made a bet that if I asked out this girl and she said yes then my friends would give me $20 each. If I got rejected, well you know. I have to break into the lighthouse and call a seance for Anabelle. So, here I am. "Bertha!" Ugh, why did my mom get to choose my name. "What Catnip?" Ok, it's not just my mom, it's the whole town that's wierd."Are you going in?" "Yeah just wait." "Well I'm getting tired of waiting!" "Fine I'll go in!" So I start towards the front door and I notice the tide going up. Well that's just great! I get to the lighthouse and swing the door open. It opens slowly, almost too slowly. I step inside and smell a mixture of must, sea water and rotting meat. I find a large open area and swing my backpack off my shoulder. Inside I packed a blanket, some vanilla scented candles, a lighter, and a crystal ball. Man, ebay is useful! So I set everything in position and began by sitting on the ground and lighting the candles. Then I closed my eyes and began saying the following chant while rubbing the crystal ball:

"Annabelle's bone and blood of bat,
Wing of raven and monkey fat.
With the supernatural's power I call upon,
My minion will run from dusk till dawn."

I sit and wait a minute. I repeat the chant once more and halfway through I hear a moan. I repeated the chant and I heard the moan even closer. I repeat it again and then it sounds only a yard from me. I repeat it for the last time and I can feel chills all over me, and the smell of rotten breath is in front of me. I open my eyes and see something I should never had seen. A young girl (I'm guessing it's Annabelle) is looking at me. But she looks like she just got out of the water, and she's very pale, almost gray-ish, and her hair is a mangled mess. I'm paralyzed for a few seconds, but when I come to my senses I feel myself picking up my backpack and starting towards the door. But she comes after me, voice now screaming at me. I turn around and slip in something and fall into it. I look down and see it's red, Annabelle's blood I'm guessing. I feel my chin and it's split open, and my face is covered In blood that I don't know who's is. I see the door and make a run for it. As I reach the end I jump out thinking I made it, but feel something grab my heel and pull me back inside, closing the door forevermore.

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