Story 3 : Love Can Kill Part3; THE FINALY!!! - Chilling

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What happened next was was much more easily understood summed up. I entered the door and began talking with the old lady. I learned I had magic flowing through my veins and I must use it to save Emma. We began training at once. Even though normal training in the magical arts usually takes years to complete, I was naturally talented and was trained fully in a few hours. I learned that the object Jeff dropped had an incantation to go to his palace engraved on it. I opened the portal and bid farewell to the magnificent witch, and stepped through.

It was liked being splashed with a bucket of cold ice water, but not nearly as pleasent. When I opened my eyes I saw a collassal palace, made of some red fire brick. I entered and found my way to the throne room where I expected him to be. He was there, but with Emma in his arms laughing. "What's happening here!?!?!?" I asked. "Ben," began Emma, "I've fallen in love with Jeff. You're not needed anymore. So leave or be killed."

No, I told myself, it can't be!

And so I crawled into a fetel position, and stayed there, unmoving, and I've been there since, waiting to wake up from this horrid dream.

Whew! That was a long one!
Sorry for not updating for a while but I'm back and not dead.
Hope you keep enjoying this book and see you later,

Peace buckets.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2017 ⏰

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