2.)the talented Mr. Kipling

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Priscilla POV
I'm just sleeping until Jessie was yelling that alarmed the whole pent house and it was only 5am and Mr.Kipling is in trouble I leaned on Rovi's door frame
"Mr.Kipling you are in a time out and no t.v for a week " Jessie said locking him in the cage and taking the remote with her
"I think you are being very harsh Mr.kipling paid you a visit because he gets board in his cage plus he is a cuddler ". Rovi said helping out his lizard buddy I think
"Well at least he don't go in my room if he dose its not going to be pretty for the lizard " I said
But the gecko hissed at he so I hissed back
*hissed* the giant gecko said
*hisssss* I replied the gecko ran in the tube scared
"See" I pointed to the evidence
"Well at least he has a toxic bit and. Not you ... Right?" Jessie asked I shrugged my shoulders and watched the rest of the conversation
"Jessie? I have a huge problem I love my photography class"
Emma said well me and someone special will be helping
"OK I know that I'm new to this whole 'nanny' thing. But not seeing the problem"I laughed and just watched Emma explain it to her
"The 'problem' is that me and Priscilla got the world laziest person in the project" Emma said mad
"You call it 'lazy' I call it 'selective participation' know Jessie give me pouty nanny " and he took a photo of her and I on the other hand raised my eyebrow and chuckled
"You'll get use to it " I said
"That's more of a constipated nanny but I can touch it. Up " Luke said me and Rovi shrugged shoulders
"I can't believe I get credit of taking pictures of cute girls "Luke said
"Is that why you took a photo of the girls in the park,school,Jessie and me?" I asked
"The assignment is to take Pictures of new York funa and fauna " Emma gave him the information
"I hope those are hot Latin twins" Luke said dancing in a tango style
"Do you have an off switch ?" Jessie asked
"Nope"I answered for him
"You wanna try to find it?" Luke. Asked walking to her
"Nope" Jessie moved out of the way and Luke nocked me down
"Ow" I said rubbing my head
"Sorry" Luke said helping me up
"Ok look we are going to the park that way you all can work on your assignment and Rovi can take Mr. Kipling for an walk or slither or whatever he does " Jessie said leaving his room
"No no no no no no mr.kipling cannot go out for a walk " Rovi said
"If Mrs.Chesterfield sees him she will throw a hissy fit " Emma said
"Yea she is head of the condo board " Luke said agreeing with Emma
"Yea she is a real pain in the astraham " Rovi agreed
"Oh is she that woman down stars caring that ugly baby?" Jessie asked
"Its a dog". I said
"Your telling me some body whomp that child with the ugly stick " I arched my eyebrows
"She means it's a Chihuahua" Emma replied
"Its chihidious look Rovi I'm not going to let some old grouch keep you from walking your pet look I'm going to ask tony to male. Sure the coast is clear " Jessie tried to coe whatever the word is with us
"I'm on it !" Tony said essdroping again
"Tonyy you essdroping again" I asked in a slow voice
"Know that I searched up the word yes " he said all happy and honestly didn't care if he did he just dose
As I walked to get ready I walked into Luke's room and my gag reflex did do anything I got his paper and pencil I left his room and got my phone . I. Ran down stars waiting for Jessie, Luke Emma,and Rovi
"Come one come on come on move it move it let's book you got your camera,-woah keep your tail to your self " Jessie said
"Yea she is mine " what! What!
"No she is not " I said really mad
"Thank you all my boyfriends have to be 18 and human" Jessie said to the both of them
"So Luke your over two" Emma replied . Luke just mocked her and crossed his arms the doors closes and we just waited until it hits the lobby
"No no no go go go go go" Jessie whispers yells to us because of the old hag walking in with the doggy
"Ewe Luke that nasty" Emma said because he had farted
"Its all clear you can come out know" tony said knocking while everyone else walks out gaging but me and Luke
"Luke you couldn't wait until we got. Out side?!!"Emma said yelling at him
"Hey it wasn't me it was Priscilla" Luke said blaming it on me
"Oh sure blame the brunette " I said with a 'oh ' kind of tone
"Hey Priscilla what you drawing ?" Nothing just this bird I'm looking at
"Oh cockroach "
*Luke took a picture showing it to me *
"Cool" I said
"Luke help us or I will tell Jessie that you still sleep with Kenny the koala " Emma said taking his phone and stating him down
"Kenny just likes to hang out on my bed don't turn it in to something ugly"Luke said acting cool
"OK OK " Luke said as Emma thrown him the camera
"I'm done with this " I shown them the hawk I was eyeing
"Oh man look "Luke said zooming In into some were while I was doing my finishing touches on the bird
"What?" Emma asked
"I can see right into burtrums room " ewe
"Augh he is shaving his back I wanna look a way but I can't
Oh good a giant. Bird just blocked my view " luke said as he put the WHAT
Me and Emma looked through one whole
"I think that giant bird is a hasten jelly hawk ". Emma gave her opinion
"The one I drew " I said showing them the birds on different pages
"Yes it is the book says its incredibly rare "Emma said showing me the pages
"Not as rare for a guy shaving his back with nothing but a razor and a spatula "
"Ok let's go cost is clear " and we ran in to only be stop buy her the flea bag and the dog
"Ah" We all screamed
"You people have a reptile living in this building?" Cheaterfeild said
"Why not you live here " I said crossing my arms with my papers in my hands
"Priscilla that's not nice" Jessie tried to tell me to stop
"Hey we were all thinking it" I defend myself
"Hi I'm Jessie and i-" Jessie tried to introduce her self but stalkings cut her off
"I don't care"
"Hey we don't care about you but we have to" I said
"Giant lizards are not aloud in this building tony help me"
He picked her up buy the legs
"I meant buy the waist you strongly handsome man "
"Woah language" he said walking back to his desk
"Please Mrs.chesterfield do not take away my pet" Rovi said in a sympetic voce
"'Pet'?that is not a 'pet' that is nothing but a picture with boots and matching belts " dang I could feel bad for her
"No-" they started
"Guys don't say nothing" I said
"Hiss" the gecko replied
"Ahh" Chesterfield screamed
"Karma" I calmly replied
"Oops you took the leash"
"Oh. Did I thanks for the newsflash Bessy"
"Bye" I walked to the stars
"Ugh the stupid hawk won't move " Emma said mad
"Why did you add another 10 of rodents to the groceries got a sudden craving for mice crispy treats?"
"No it's for the hawk "I told burtrum
"We need an action photo that matches this picture for the project "
Emma said then goes Luke
"But it only sits there like a lump " Luke said with the video game in his hand
"If it watches Korean soap opera in its underwear it will be you butrum "I patted butrums stomach
"Ha very funny if you need me I will be inside spitting in your lunch" he refers to me and Luke
We looked at each other and looked down
"Hey what do you want me to draw guys?" I asked boarder than that hawk
"You can draw me in my home planet kripton " Luke said happy
"Well is there a bloodton because I don't do blue" I said outlining Luke's head
"Hey guys do you know how to move this hawk?" Emma said not looking away from it
"No"I said
"Well IMA go inside for a snack brb"Emma said walking in the living room I started to fall asleep for about 3minuts until Emma screamed
"Luke.. Priscilla!"
"Ah"we both said falling on each other
"How many times we are going to do this?" I asked
"I don't know until we stop"Luke said in a flirtatious tone
"Owww"we said as we got up
"Is animal control still here?"Jessie asked out of. Breath as well as Rovi
"We have lost Mr.Kipling" Rovi said
"How did you lost a giant gecko ?" I ask
"Call him a gecko one more time and the gods may curse you until they fell like you have been over with punishment" Rovi yelled
"He is not lost he is right down there and he looks like he is about to eat Mrs Chesterfield's stupid mutt" Luke said as I pointed to where he was talking about
"What" Rovi Emma and Jessi yelled
We all ran sand saw the dog sit on the red pillow and the gecko is coming twords it
"Gasp*" the both ran out while I sat down and keep drawing Luke I'm on his hair and eyes I already got the freckles nose and mouth I'm almost done with the eyes and done know the body Is going to be hard as I got done with the shirt
"Ok I bet you 5 buck the lizard eats cesterfeild and the dog " Luke bet
"Your on " I said happily
"I bet she taste as bitter as she looks" Emma said as well
"*Hawk screeching * "
"Hawk is moving give me the camera " Emma said happily .
"Its moving towards us" I said
"I think he wants the chihuahua" Emma said
"Hey everybody loves Mexican" I nodded and watched the fiascos
"I got it! Now that's an action shot" me and Emma was now mad because he. Is gloating
"Woah a giant hawk using the lizard as an pinata well that's a first for me anybody else?" The three of us. Watched the conversation
"Oh my zusy please stop trembling that's me I'll call voyage and book us an emergency couples massage " rodah said all shaky
"Must feel bad of almost losing youre best friend like that"jessie said bing symphony
"Yea I will who will I watch the real house wife's with?"rodah relied
"Now you know what Rovi feels like"jessie said again
"You watch the real house wife of new York to?"rodah asked
"Yea and if you want to see some real drama you should watch the real house wives of new Delhi" Rovi said
"See see how we all are bonding " jessie said
"Dose that mean mr.kipling can stay ?" Rovi asked
"Well I didn't say that " rodah sign
"Oh come one if it weekend for Kipling your dog would of been a happy meal "Jessie said
"Alright just promise to keep that disgusting creachers away from me "
"Deal you will never see Kipling again " Jessie said proud
"I was talking about Zuri and Priscilla there a very strange child" whatever
Yay we passed with an 'A'
"This stinks Luke Priscilla got an 'A' on our project" Emma said
"What's wrong with an 'A' again not seeing the problem " Jessie looks at the both of us
"The problem is that the both of us did all the work while like did nothing we watched the hawk like a hawk all day and Priscilla drew it in the first place while all Luke did was snap 1 lucky picture" Emma said
As she said that Luke came in
"Hey did Emma told you my picture made the schools website and so did that drawing all my hard work really paid off" my and. Emma strangled Luke
"Hey we did it to" me and ends yelled
"Hey stop" Jessie and Luke said
"Alright alright alright here is dinner breast of frog on a hint of wild mice"burtrum Said hey its a step up
"Ewe" Jessie Emma and Luke said "hey better than nothing" I said
"Just kidding it's chicken" Jessie almost opened it
"Maybe?" He said

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