4.)zombie/tea party

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Priscilla POV
Me and Zuri were drawing Jessie well I am Zuri is coloring it in and than an ignorant person walked over it
"Hey I'm drawing here "I said out loud Jessie saw it
"Priscilla,Zuri that is a beautiful ported of me " Jessie gleamed
"Your welcome"I said really happy of what it came out
I walked to the bench really board
"Up and back in 22seconds take that puke" wait he is calling him ugly
"Ok hey I can bet your time in 15 seconds"I said coming towards them
"Yea she really can last time it was like this she ran from Jessie on this rock climbing wall" Luke said besides me
"Well your girl friend is going to cry when she loses " Trevor said
"Woahwoah woah she is not my girlfriend" Luke said
"Yea just friends" I added
"Well you two are always together " Trevor adds
"Your going to eat my dust " I
said grabbing the princess helmet "Luke is she for getting something?"
"Ok Trevor Priscilla lets put some Money on this -"when I was about to climb it
"I didn't mean gambling i meant sunscreen" Jessie had to put sunscreen on me which made me slip on the rock thank god Luke coached me
"See always together"Trevor added
"Jessie this is your fault you made me lost a bet" I said handing in 50 Dollar's.Then Luke tried to climb it but Jessie had to give him the pink helmet and sunscreen
"Jessie I can't ware this its got a princess on it" Luke said mumbling
"Its got a princess under it to" I said mumbling walking past Jessie and next to Trevor
"Well I'm sorry but safety comes first and you are getting a little sun burn so let me help you-" Jessie said trying to put some on his face
"No I'm not Trevor start timing me sun screen slipering woah woah!" And Jessie caught him
"Thanks a lot Jessie are you going to put diapers on us ?!" I said really mad
"You got 20seconds maybe she should carry you up" Trevor said mocking us
"Ok that's it we are going to settle this like real men / woman
We Are going to play paintball in wears costume "Luke said in a attack mode
"Your on me and my brother Dirk are going to be gladiators and we are going to feed you to the lions "Trevor said walking away
"Oh yea well my team is going to be zombies " Luke said
"Were going to eat your brains"I finished
"Yea if you had any up top" Jessie said trying to fit in with us
"Oh no sorry its to dangerous" I said .
"We don't have a wrist protector" Luke mocked Jessie as he took off the helmet and put it down
We took off running
"Nice one " I said laughing
We stopped buy the hotdog cart and luke bought the hotdog
We were discussing witch super hero is better
"Whatever Luke the hulk is spot on if he can beat Loki he can beat superman" I said giggling
"Well superman is born from my home planet so he can beat anybody his only weakness is krypton rocks "Luke replied putting his hand in one pocket and one holding the hot dog
"Haha what ever I got to go do my homework see you at the pent house ?"I asked walking away to the lobbie
"Yea sure" and. Was gone
"Hey Priscilla how is you and your boyfriend?" Tony asked
"What 'Boyfriend?' " putting my fingers as air quote around
"You know you and luke" tony said
I only gave him a glare
"Why is everyone saying that!" I yelled in the elevator
I sat down next to Emma doing my math home work oh who am I kidding my art work I drawed Luke and me in the sunset with our superheros and Emma next to me and Zuri with a cowboy hat and Rovi n Kipling with a science thingy and Jessie with tony at you know it at Disney land
"Emma you are cordrly invited to my tea party tomorrow dresses black tie and tail "Zuri said wiggling her boa in front of us
"Thank you as always I shall be delighted to attend but please dong sit me next to chubby the bear he hoggs the huny and never wears pants "Emma said making a joke out of it
"*gasp*jasmine" Emma said excited
"Jasmine kisses " jasmine said throwing the ugly purple coat at zuri
"Hey she is not a coat hanger " I said taking the nasty coat off of her
"She is know" jasmine said
"Oh really jasmine let me show you were I take out the trash" I said walking to the tersest throwing it off the railing and off to a trip to somewhere
"You ok Zuri?" I asked
"Yea yea I'm fine" said laughing Zuri .
"Fantabulos news " jasmine said excited
"What Is it?" Emma asks
"That I got rid of that last springs coat" I said laughing along with Zuri
"Check your phone I'm busy " I rolled my eyes
"You score us two seats to Zack posmen's fashion show!" Emma said happily
"Front row" jasmine said right back
"Ah when is it " Emma yelled
"Ah tomorrow at 3" jasmine said jumping up
"Ah I can't wait" Emma screamed the last time
"Hey losers what about Zuri's tea party?" I asked crossing my arms
"Yea " Zuri said
"Zuri that's kids stuff " Emma said sadly
"Hello we are talking about Zack posemen " jasmine said like he is all that
"The front row will be all celebrates " Emma told lamesmen
"Yay phone five" they cheered
"But what about our celebrate guest Kenny the koala is coming from all the way from Luke's room" Zuri pouted
"Don't you have something to finger paint" jasmine said hurting Zuris feelings
"And don't you have a life ?" I asked in a 'say something like that to her again your gone bi*ch' tone
"I'd finger paint your coat but it just got a cab to brocklen "Zuri yelled sitting down pouting But I wrapped my arms around her making her feel better
"Hey I'll go to your party " I said
"Are you sure I don't wanna do anything any more " Zuri said
"Yea I mean I don't have any family members so how about I make it up and crash your party you in?" I said pumped
"Well yea but-"
"Got any camo boas "I asked making he'd laugh
"Haha yea thanks" and she jumped up to get chubby the bear we played a little bit but she went to her room
"So think you can duck and roll like that?" Luke asked me and burtrum
"No" said angry burtrum
"If I start rolling I Wont stop until I hit the duck pond " he said "really no is the time for sarcasm burtrum get into the game" I said "if your so interested into it why not you do it!" Burtrum asked/complained
"Well I can't because of the stupid tea party" I said mad at Emma
" come on burtrum I Ned a partner and you need someone to keep quiet about there wedding China " Luke said trying to bribe him
"Hey Priscilla and the lizard startled me "burtrum said scared
"Whatever the point is that the Garvey bonerd is never setting stone again." I said unamused
"Ok what do I have to do ?"burtrum said really frustrated
"Ok the first rule of paint ball is to have a good hiding place so search this place carefully and find the perfect spot now go.....GO GO GO GO GO !" I said/yelled when burtrum got up slowly not trying hr stopped at the post about 20ft in front of us
"Really your exposed"luke said laughing
"*Gasp*" and he trued to zip up his zipper
"Hey puke don't even bother practicing because my brother Dirk and I will pound you like a chicken nugget" Trevor said rubbing in his brother
"Wow he had a growsperg "luke said afraid
"Yea he beefed up in prison" I rolled my eyes
"Trevor being grounded isn't prison " I said showing him the text while Dirk ripped out the top cap off his teeth
"He knew he can twist the top off!' I. Said again unamused
"Dose your partner know he needs a bigger lamppost ? " Trevor asked as he took the paint ball gun out of Luke's hand and shot burtrum's chest until he rolled in the duck pond
"Hey if you wanna play like that" I grabbed burtrums gun and shot Dirk over and over
"I'm not scared" I said as he got to me and pat my back
"*gasp* I need to go buy Dirk" I said running to the penthouse with burtrum &Luke all mad
"Haha haha "Jessie only laughed
"Will you excuse me I'm going to clean up before dinner were having Salmon"burtrum said walking
"Ugh I hate salmon " me and Luke said at the same time making a face with it to
"I know"yelled burtrum
"Great when burtrum cooks angry no one wins " I said next to Luke leaning on him
"I still haven't passed buy that marvel that 'wound' up In my mash potatoes"Jessie replied
"Meanwhile I still need a partner" luke said
"You know my dad thought me how field strip a 8k mile in 3rd grade FYI that one one the school talent show every time "Jessie said bragging about it
"I need a partner with cat like agelity ..." Luke said trailing off
"Oh gee I could go for some walnuts
And she did a backflip to it and back holding it out
"And they also needs to be really strong "Luke said looking at me
With sad eyes
"Well these walnuts are still in its shell"and Jessie snapped it in half
"Oh thanks"luke said
"I'm allergic so no thanks " I said
"But besides Priscilla where am I going to find someone like that
"Oh for the love of fuge pick me!" Jessie yelled
"What you want him to go in a combact with his nanny ugh ha hadn't you embarrassed us enough?" I asked crossing my arms
"I wasn't trying to embarrass him I'm just trying to keep him from getting a booboo " Jessie said in a baby voice
"Quit babying me if I show up with you I might as well as show up in a diaper and a bib " like said walking out I followed him into the kitchen making us a snack
"But then you will catch a cold-oh know I see I did it again " Jessie said after us
"Ugh we are defenatly toast " I said ashamed
"Well maeby if you ditch Zuri and come with me than maybe-?"
"Luke no I promised Zuri for this that and emma is a Worthless b-"
"Hey guy's"Zuri said walking in the kitchen
"Hey" we both said
"Look if you wanna go to the park with your boyfriend than-"
"Zuri we are not dating" we both said at the same time
"Than why are you guys blushing at each others names when I Menton Priscilla Luke daydreams and when I Menton Luke you blush " Zuri said
"Ugh *fake Emma's voice*Priscilla get in here *regular voice *common" and I ran to the screening room I hope that won't happen again
Me and Zuri were sitting in the pink room sipping on the tea
I made scones and buy me I mean burtrum
"Hey this taste like stones " I said making Zuri laughing
"Well try this " Zuri handing me a burned cookie
"Mmhm a brighter light its better " I said
"Thanks" Zuri said laughing
"Ugh how come rat eater is sitting next to me!" I said laughing
"Umm the crickets " Zuri said
"*gasp* Kenny ohh your in trouble " I said to the lizard
"You wanna blame emma or jasmine?" I asked
"Jasmine" Zuri said I graves the marker and put jasmine was here and stocked up the bear with a grey thread and white as well
"See this is really fun " I said
"Yea wanna watch princess movie?" Ugh i hate my life
"Sure " I said sitting down watching Cinderella sleeping beauty and snow white
"Ugh how many more will we watch" I asked really bored
"I don't know " Zuri said
"Hey guys" Emma said sad
"Ignore her"I said to Zuri
"Guys I'm so so sorry " Emma pleaded
"If you were sorry you wouldn't do that" I said really disappointed in her
"I know but I do got jasmines shoe "mhm I got a good Idea
"How about this shoe gets a special VITS "
I tossed it in the trash shoot and walked away I live these grey Cami and black shirt with my red necklace and red bracelet
"Hey guess what guys we won!" Luke said happily
"Yay congrats"I said laughing and hugging him
"Yea I told you they are dating " Zuri said
"We are not dating !" We both said out loud

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