Trust issues 3/3/16

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I went back to the gym today  i haven't been in a while and gained alotta baby fat now I'm 150 instead of 125 ,people said that they "missed" me. Mostly the six sexkateers that are constantly asking bout my relationship status , hugging me or finding ways to accidentally touch me. This is one of the main reasons why I don't use the gyms or school showers,I would be fucking crazy to risk getting anything other then eye raped. Plus its kind of my fault since I cut my relationship/player status off.  I don't really care for involving in any physical contact other then a friendly hug from women from now on,or until my sex radar changes. I was on a roll cuz I went to school to. I played basketball with a few of my bros today at free period it was chill.
           -I know this is random but I'm thinking about getting gages ,what u think?

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