Chapter 1

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Autumnpaw jumped."Yes Fireflower?"

Firepower glared at her apprentice, emerald eyes sparking with frustration. "Pay attention." She flicked her tail, crossly.

Autumnpaw ducked her head in embarrassment. "I'm sorry!" She squeaked.

"Whatever. Just watch." Fireflower growled.

"When you fight your enemy, you need to look into their eyes. If you do this you'll know what they're planning to do. For example, I'm fighting with a WishClan warrior, okay? I'm looking into their eyes and see them look behind me," She mews. "The warrior darts behind me,  attempting to jump on my back. But since I already knew, I'm able to stop him." She hled her head high. "Or her," She added.

Autumnpaw nodded.

"Now," Fireflower mewed. "Lets try it. Come here."

Autumnpaw stood up and padded in front of Fireflower. She let out a low growl, keeping eye contact. She flexed her claws and studied her mentors eye movement.

Fireflower leaped at Autumnpaw, knocking her to the side and pawing aggressively at her belly.

Autumnpaw flung her off, hissing.

Fireflower leaped at Autumnpaw, paws outstretched.

Autumnpaw saw her eyes glance to her left. She dodged the blow and pinned Fireflower with ease. "Ha!" She mewed in triumph.

Fireflower purred."Great!"

Just that moment, Fireflower seemed to transform... Her fiery tabby fur turned black and almost trans-lucid. She turned into a shadow, glowing white lights replacing her bright green eyes. She went from this ,then back to Fireflower, then back to the shadow.

Autumnpaw wailed with terror and slashed Fireflower's face with her claws. She ran to the other side of the training hollow. "Get away!" She cried.

Just then the shadow faded back into Fireflower, her face cut and bloody.

"Autumnpaw!" She snarled. "Why in StarClan did you do that?!" She shouted, pain edging her wail.

Autumnpaw stared in horror. "Y-You..I...."

Fireflower hissed. "Not only do you not pay attention, you unsheathe your claws while training! Come on. We're going to Serenitystar's den," she snapped.

Autumnpaw searched for something to say, but nothing came. She padded behind Fireflower, tail drooping as fear and guilt pulsed threw her.

"You what?!" Serenitystar exclaimed.

Autumnpaw pawed the earth. "I'm sorry." She mewed pathetically. She knew she couldn't tell them of the shadow... they'd think she had feathers in her brain!

Serenitystar growled. "Sorry isn't good enough. For punishment, you will do nothing except picking ticks off elders and fetching new bedding for dens."

Autumnpaw jerked her head up. "What about training?!"

Serenitystar shrugged. "You'll just have to wait until your punishment is over," She said plainly.

Autumnpaw turned to Fireflower. "Please! It was an accident!" Fireflower didn't look at her. Instead the tabby warrior stood up and padded out of the den.

"Fine!" Autumnpaw hissed and stomped out of the den.

"I hate them. It was an accident," she muttered to herself.

Hi!I know it's short and all but....yea I have no Excuse. I'm just lazy. Oh! And every time I save what I have and leave
Wattpad deletes it. So I had to finish it and I'm tired so this is all you get for now.

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