Chapter 2 spike

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Chapter 2---------- how to get the lady

3 months later

Spike POV

I have been working here for 3 months and it has been great. I've made friends with everyone and the guard Mike.
I've been performing with Chica for some time now. She sleeps in the kitchen for some reason while I sleep in the cove. In a box, because, I don't wanna do something bad that might anger the fox when he gets home which is in about 3 months.
I've also tried talking to Chica but she ignores me and when we peform she doesn't try to do here part anymore.
"BONNIE can you see if Freddy is still sleeping" I said "don't wanna wake the bear" I rembered last time I did that he punched me in the nose. I couldn't perform for a week.
"Sure thing" BONNIE said as he left
I went to the kitchen trying to figure out a plan that would get Chica to like me.
Step 1. Get her on a date
Step 2. Try to tell her feelings
Step 3. Kiss her
STEP 4. Get married.
Yeah I think that'll work

Next day

The fox is back today and I found out that Chica and him are dating. I was angered by it and was still gonna try to get her.

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