Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 ---------- The battling of a wolf

5 years later


I have been training hard almost beating my dad already in battle. Just he can get a sweep to the leg on me while I'm punching him with makes me lose the battle. Cooper is my only battle man and he SUCKS at battling and I mean it. He only uses his fist and only good part of having him is his legs. His fist are weak but if he hits you with his legs it game over for you! He needs to try to use his feet in rest combat so he is going to face me in the field for his first ever battle.

Cooper POV
I would have to far HORUS the strongest here. I got onto the field everyone was watching. I was scared crapless. HORUS than entered and he came to the middle and said "Cooper COME AND FACE ME!" As he roared to the family and I came out looking at everyone. They had flags going for HORUS. 'This is really one-sided' I thought to myself as I faced HORUS. Jynx was there. She was watching from a tree. I got into fighting stance. HORUS laughed "do you really think you can win your wolf" he chuckled and got into a deadlier fighting stance.

HORUS then charged at me and tried hitting me in the face with his leg. I dodged it and ran to the left side of the field. HORUS then charged at me again and then I remembered what dad thought me "wear out your opponent then strike the final blow without you getting tired" I then jumped over his head an landed on it. He then jumped and made me lose balance and I fell with his foot on my stomach. "You lose...-" I then bit his leg and made it bleed. He then Came and tried to punch me rapidly. He hit me and sent me flying. I fell on the grass and he got a sword "prepare to go down" he said and struck it down................................................

"Cooper grab this sword!" I heard Dad yell as I grabbed his sword and went to fight HORUS with it
"I MAY BE DOWN BUT IM NOT OUT" I boomed as HORUS and I went into fighting.
WE both kept slashing the swords at eachother and we both stabbed eachother ad both went to the floor dropping our swords...
We both slowly got up looking at eachother waiting


HORUS then fell to the floor. Everyone then cheered for us and I saw Jynx give me a thumbs up. HORUS was limbing over to me "good job" he said "HORUS we need to get you checked!" Mom said as she went into the house with HORUS.

A/N sorry for not updating for a long time school just got out for me so I can update freely again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2016 ⏰

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