Part One, Day One, Time Before Capture

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I had been on a mission
Quite simple, you see,
You could call it nothing,
It was rank level C.

We were delivering a package,
My team and I,
While something far ahead
Quickly caught my eye.

I dashed on ahead
Which may have been a mistake
For an Akatsuki member,
Had appeared in my wake

He was tall and quite muscled,
With slicked-back silver hair,
He had a large scythe,
That he held in midair.

I had dropped to my knees
In wonder and fear
He looked down upon me
And he spoke with a sneer

" I see that it's you,
This is my lucky day
That a PRINCESS like you
Would get in my way. "

I stared at him,
And was quite confused
He stared at me a bit,
And got quite amused.

"All will make sense,
And in time I believe
You'll understand it all,
And you'll never leave."

"What do you mean?
I don't understand,
Will you not let me go?"
I question while I stand.

"You're coming with me,"
He says with a grin,
As he grabs me and takes off
Headed back to his den.

My mind was reeling
Everything happened so fast
Will my teammates find me?
Or is this day my last?

When we reach the den,
That belongs to Akatsuki
Everyone stares at the sight
Of my kidnapper and me.

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