Part Two, Day One, Time After Capture

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"I got her! I got her!"
He exclaims with a smile
The rest just say nothing,
But they do stare awhile.

After that awkward
Moment had passed
He carried me to his room
And on the bed I was cast.

He locked the door,
Still smiling with glee
"You are all mine now,
You'll never leave me."

All of a sudden,
Notice something did I,
That I was unafraid of him
All I was, was quite shy.

"Excuse me, sir,
I have a suggestion
Tell me your name, sir,
Or is that out of question?"

"My name is Hidan,
Might I ask who are you?
It wouldn't be fair
If you didn't say yours too.

"[Insert name]" I replied,
"Now would you tell me,
Why I am here,
And why you say I won't flee?"

"Well, to be honest,
It started back then,
When i had first saw you
My heart you did win."

"When you first saw me?"
I asked, confused
"I seen you from a distance,"
He said, quite enthused.

This caught me off guard,
Yet made me feel joy
But soon I was confused when
He smiled real coy.

"Now it is time for,
What I wanted to do.
Its time to prove,
That I love you."

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