2 - Oh Sehun

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Word Count: 361

"Hey, Stephanie." Sehun called me.

"Hm?" I turned around, raising an eye brow.

"Can we talk in private?" He asked, nodding towards his room.

"Uhh.... Sure." I replied.

Crap. He's gonna nag at me. The skeleton in the closet was Chen's idea. But I swear, the guy put the blame on me. He's so lucky he's out with the others right now.

"Follow me." Sehun gives a small flick of his wrist, already heading to his room.

I waddled in after him, plopping on to his bed. The pillow near the head of the bed looked so fluffed up, I grabbed it and hugged it while grinning. It's so soft and silky..wait, with what money did he buy this with?

"Is my pillow that soft?" I hear Sehun chuckle then a soft click.

"Mmm." I nodded my head happily, brushing off the small sound.

Another click cued the lights off, and my head shot up from the pillow. I froze in place, straining my eyes to quickly adjust to the dark. Blinking a few times, I turned my head to see if there was a possible night light.


I shivered, then felt the bed dip beside me. The hell is this guy doing now. He knows about my fear of the dark. It ain't April Fools Day yet either.

"Sehun?" I nearly whispered.

"Hmm?" A deep voice answered.

Instinctively, I leaned back when I felt radiated heat lean towards me. There was a soft hint of cologne and I stopped moving for a moment, an idiotic move.

"Sehun," my voice wavered a bit, "are you okay?"

I found myself staring into bright crimson eyes. Eyes usually found in story books.

Sehun's eyes closed as he leaned close to me, crashing his lips onto mine. I blinked in shock before closing my eyes and kissing back, not even being sure why though. I felt a smirk play on Sehun's lips as he kissed me passionately. His lingering lips came down to my neck, kissing every inch my shirt exposed. I tilted my head to the side to give him some further access as I fell back from my sitting position.

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