9 - Huang Zitao

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Word Count: 580

"Tao." I called out to my butler, standing at the balcony that over looked the large stone living room.

No answer.

"Tao!" I called out again, glancing around to make sure I've seen all the places where he could have been.

But again, no answer.

Where had he gone? Surely, he should have told me before he left. Strange, he does not do this. Wait, where are all the other maids and butlers? Am I the only one in the palace? Looking at the large high stone walls, I started to feel uncomfortable and lonely in this castle. With windows ever so high off from my reach, I sighed and began calling out to everyone that lived here.

"Mother? Father?" I yelled through every hallway and room there is.

I looked everywhere. The beautiful garden which was filled with glamorous flowers, the kitchen where the fresh smell of food came from, thecobwebbed attic, the ocean designed wall bathroom, the open glass sunroom, the dim lit dining room, the large library, the small study room, even the servents rooms I have checked.

Could they be in the dungeon? I will never know unless I try.

Walking down the staircase slowly  to the dungeon, I hear nothing but the small echos my shoes made with each step I took. Down in the prison, the stone floors were covered with hay, the flickering fire that hung on the walls only gave off a dim source of light. Each prison cell had steel silver metal bars around, to make sure that the prisoner had no way to escape each cell had a lock to it.

No one down here either. No one is here. No one other than me.

I started to panick. Turning around to head up the stairs, but it has seem to be as if the staircase had a barrier on it to keep me from leaving.

"M'lady?" I heard a voice, a shadow appeared at the top of the stairs. The figure stopped short.


I tried to shout out that I was in the dungeon, but it has seemed as something was straining my voice. Not a sound came from me. No matter how hard I tried to call out for him, to let him know my whereabouts, to have him get me out from here.

"M'lady?" he called out again and walked away.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

"M'lady." A hand shook my shoulder. "M'lady, please wake up."

Tao. Is he really here?

My eyes shot open and from the look in his eyes, he was very surprised.

I got up and hugged him tightly, in fear that he will disappear. Fear that this is just another nightmare.

"M'lady, dear, you frightened me. For heaven's sake, where have your manners gone?" Tao asked me when I sat embraced him.

"I was scared. I was so scared." I cried in Tao's arms.

"M'lady, please explain. I have not a single clue of what you are speaking of." Tao comforted me. "Tell me m'lady and I shall do my best to aid you."

After tell him of my nightmare, I ended up hiccupping and sniffing.

"Dear, dear. It is just a nightmare. I could never leave you. Never. Staying by your side is a promise I have made myself." Tao patted my back.

"Promise?" I looked up at him hopefully.

"I promise, I shall never leave your side." Tao held up his right hand, smiling down at me.

"Anyway, it's breakfast time m'lady."

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