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*Deptford Goth - Feel Real*


We were standing outside of Derek's loft. This plan is absolutely crazy. The sheriff pulled open the door. I listened to his steps as he descended down the stairs. The handcuffs jangled as he pulled them out.

"You want to handcuff me?" Stiles's voice echoed through the room.

"If my son is still here, if there's still a part of him standing here in front of me, then he'll put these on willingly and he'll come with me, because he knows I'm here to protect him from himself and from others." Sheriff said. There was a long silence before the zipping of the cuffs broke it.

"You're not my son." he stated. That was our cue. Allison, Chris and Derek went in.

"Chaos, strife, pain" the voice was back. Instead of following the plan, I followed the voice.

"Chaos, strife pain" it continued. I closed my eyes and focused on the voice, but in it's place was the sheriff.

"Argent, listen to me. Don't do this."

"Why not? I've done it before. Werewolves, berserkers. I can easily add a nogitsune to the list." Chris replied. This was all part of the plan.

"You're not going to shoot my son."

"You said it yourself, Sheriff. That's not your son."

"Chaos, strife, pain. Chaos, strife, pain." I repeated the words to myself. They have to mean something, "chaos, strife, pain. Strife? Strife." I finally connected the words. I ran inside.

"Stop, stop it! This is what he wants. This is exactly what he wants." I yelled.

"Not exactly. I was kind of hoping Scott would be here. But I'm glad you all have your guns out. Because you're not here to kill me. You're here to protect me." the nogitsune said.

The sun had set and the oni appeared. Gunshots rang through the air. Allison was armed with daggers. Derek and I had our claws. We all protected Stiles's body from the oni. I was face to face with one. I flashed my eyes at it and was about to throw some hits when it disappeared. I looked around and all of the oni had disappeared, along with Stiles. I managed to not get hurt but the same doesn't go for Derek. The plan didn't work. Everybody left, we were all stumped as to where Stiles could have gone.

"Sammy, you don't have to stay" Derek said as he put a chessboard on the table.

"I don't want to leave you" I said.

"I can protect myself."

"Hm. I'm well aware." I stood back and watched as he placed the pieces on the board.

"What are you doing?" Peter's voice rang in my ears. I rolled my eyes, already annoyed of his presence, "and more importantly, why aren't you healing?" I looked at Derek, questioningly.

"It's from one of their swords. It'll heal." he responded.

"By playing chess?" Peter asked with a usual amount of sarcasm.

"Back in his room, Stiles had a board with my name on one of the pieces. If this is a game to him, then I need to figure out the plays." Derek said.

"Not so easy to do when it's a game without rules."

"What does that mean?"

"You're dealing with the kind of spirit that's lived too long to play by human rules. It's a fox spirit that chose to become human. And supposedly, that's something they can do only after about 100 years. If a kitsune is an annoying pain in the ass, then a nogitsune, which is a dark kitsune, is a freaking disaster." Peter said.

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