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I love a place where I saw a pinkette one summer. He sat on a tree branch and smiled looking at me. That is the day I would never forget. That was the time when I fell in love...


As always I was visiting different places. Today I was visiting a forest in magnolia. When I was roaming I heard a voice "Who are you Mister? You seem new to this forest" the voice said with a smile.The boy was swinging on the branch. He has pink hair,a black jacket and white baggy pants. He is so cute! I blushed but replied:"Yes I am new, What is your name?". "My name is Natsu" he grinned and got off from the branch. "What is your name Mister?" He asks me. "My name is Gray,Gray Fullbuster" I said. "Nice to meet you gray. If you want I can show you the forest" he said. I blushed harder. Why am I blushing so Much?!? "Ya Thank you very much" I say and follow him. "Where do you live,Natsu?" I asked him. He looked at me and said:"I live here". "I mean your house where is it?" I ask him. He shook his head and replied:"the forest is my house. I have been looked after by the spirits of this forest. According to the spirits I was abandoned by my parents long when I was still a kid". "I am sorry I asked you" I said feeling sad. "Oh it no problem! You were the first human I have ever seen besides myself!" He exclaims. I smile at. Do I see blush in his face?? "You said you were brought up by spirits but where are they?" I ask him out of curiosity. "Oh there are many! Look on is behind you!" He says smiling. I looked behind and saw a black like looking thing with big eyes I freak out and Natsu starts giggling. "Listen you whoever you are don't get close to Natsu otherwise.." He says "Otherwise?" I ask him. "You will get hurt that's all its you wish to obey me or not" he says "Opaz! Stop it! Don't scare people like this! " Natsu shouts at the creature whose name in my opinion is Opaz. "Ja sayonara gray" Opaz says and turns away. "Wait how did he know my name?" I mumble "Opaz knows everyone's name and he can transform into anything he want" he says and gives a hand for me to get up. "Gray what is your age?" Natsu asked me. "I'm 30" I said sighing. He gets shocked and said "30?!? You look very young for your age" . I get that very much.

Evening came and it was time for me to leave. "Sayonara Natsu" I said. I was quite upset. He looked down and said "Sayonara Gray" and I go away. "Gray!!" He shouts and I turn back "Will you come back next summer too?" He asks me. I nodded and started to walk off. "I will wait for you Gray.." He mumbles but I could hear it. "I will wait for you too..."


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