Chapter 8: Mia

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I opened my eyes and sighed contentedly, my bed was warm,soft and fuzzy, the birds were chirping loudly and the waves kept pounding at the shore. The world was right and all was just as it should be. Lazily, I got up and opened my deep purple curtains, which were specifically darkened to keep the overwhelming sunlight out. Gently, I opened the glass door and stepped out of the roon and onto the airy balcony. Feeling so relaxed and weightless, perhaps even boneless, I inhaled a large lung-full of fresh air, it was litterally pure. In a fit of happiness my legs flew into a piroette letting my loose tank and cropped pj shorts billow with the breeze.

Something shiny caught my eye as I spun round. The very edge of a mirror was shining through the drawn curtains on the other side. They were only slightly parted so that the beginnings of the mirror glared back at me. Squinting I stared through the harsh light to try and see who was in there. However, all I could decipher through the painful light, was that the room was a bedroon of sorts with a bulky suitcase parked next to the door. Suddenly I felt myself go red, scolding myself for staring, though I had moved away from prying at the neighbouring house, the feeling that I was invading personal property still hung to my skin.

"BREAKFAST!" I turned around again, tearing myself fron the window to see my little brother Luke running into the room and grinning like a fool.  "Mama said we can have chocolate sprinkles on our toast today!" He was practically jumping out of sheer excitement, trying to pull me downstairs. Lovingly I ruffled his hair and he tugged on my plam with his small yet firm grasp and proceeded to lead me out of my room. It was then when I heard the neighbors curtains scraping open. Had the excited little man and the chocolate sprinkles waited, then maybe I would have found out whose room I was looking into.

The food was making its way slow and leisurely way through my body even though I felt that it would easily come up again soon. I felt so sick to my stomach, as time sped up I glanced breifly at my watch which gradually was nearing nine o'clock.

Why'd I ever suggest we meet up? Why had i acted so confidently and imoulsively yesterday. I huffed to myself as I rummaged through the limited wardrobe I had brought with me on holiday. Feeling faint, I knew I needed some wise words from my best friend. Otherwise I would definitely continue going crazy. Grabbing my phone from the bedside table I unlocked it and robotically opened my favorites list. The line was quiet and I could hear my unsteady breathing vibrate through the device. Pick up... Pick up...

"WHAT DO YOU WANT YOU CRAZY WOMAN AT- UM..." I waited for her to check the time on her phone...
"Oh? Its nine already. Wait! WHAT ARE YOU DOING CALLING ME WHEN YOU SHOULD BE ON THAT DATE OF YOURS!" I stifled a laugh as my friend started overreacting.  Well it was apparent who was more excited about the prospect of meeting someone.

"Well about the date, Nika I'm lik-" I never got to finish the sentence as Nika growled into the phone menacingly, her crankiness I attributed to the groggy morning voice.

"Don't you fucking dare say you're not going out!"

"No way dude! I mean...  I'm just... I have a few...butterflies?" I concluded quickly. "Do you have any idea what i should wear on this beach 'date'?"

"Ummm are you kidding me? You're nerves must have disconected something in your brain. Beach means water right? And water equals your hottest bikini. You're welcome!"

I chuckled a quick thanks and hung up. No make up, as that would trickle down my face once wet, meaning a lot of work for little payoff. I pulled my hair into a high ponytail. And made sure to apply lots of suncream, my back was beginning to darken from yesterday's activities. Surprisingly I was ready in record time. Sighing I picked up my phone, headphones, a large beach towel and the bottle of sunscreen, slowly making my way downstairs.

"Mi, Lu! Come on. Let's go we'll be late"

Micheal eyed me suspiciously and asked carefully. "It's the beach, it won't be going anywhere soon... so what exactly are we going to be late for?" He smirked at my confused face, seemingly noticing my 'I'm-trying-to-come-up-with-a-lie-but-it's-no-use-I'm- blank' face.

Before he could come up with any other accusations or ideas I avoided his gaze by running down the steps outside yelling "LAST ONE AT THE LAKE IS A STINKY BANANA!" It didnt take too long for my brothers to realise and rush after me. By the time we got to the burning hot sand the reason as to why we'd be late was swiftly forgotten. "Quickly run onto the water!" I yelled as all three of us crashed into the crystal clear and peaceful water after scalding our feet in the white yet scorching sands. I fell over laughing, splashing my brothers as I went down. Soon enough it spiralled into an intense water fight.

A deep chuckle came from behind me, too deep in tone for it to be one of my brothers. Instantly my skin was prickled with thousands of goosebumps... Shea? He was standing behind me, also waist deep in the water, his trunks ballooning with air pockets.

"Stop staring!" He laughed as I gawked. I just had time to close my open mouth before I was bombarded by a huge wave. When the wave hit my face i knew it was definitely not one of natural proportions. So in retaliation, I swiveled around quickly just in time to see all the boys, both my bothers and Shea launch into a cannon ball and overwhelm me with another makeshift tsunami wave. I squealed as I tried to escape the assault but the water slowed me down dramatically and I didnt have enough time to jump out the water before I was knocked over. We were laughing and splashing around when I heard an annoying high pitched girl's voice comming from behind us on the shore.

"SHEA LUCAS AIDEN KENNEDY! " the voice boomed scarily behind us, slowly getting louder and more menacing as it sped over the water.

"What do you want Mia!" He snapped as I stifled a giggle. Lucas Aiden?  Wowwww...

Curiously I turned to the girl named Mia and took in her appearance questioningly. With sleek black hair growing out past shoulder length and huge hazel eyes, which were only slightly different from Shea's, whom i assumed was her brother, she looked around my age, roughly fouteen or fifteen. Her hair flew behind her in a large dark billowing curtain as she ran across the sand and into the water and her mouth was etched into a grim flat line reflecting the glare that danced in her eyes.

"Ouch! That sand is so hot!" She yelped to herself. "Shea you said that you were going out on the speedboat today, so I'm comming with!" She concluded definitely.

"Listen Mia. Nina and I are going on the speedboat alone, just me and her. I'm sure you can take out the other one with dad later." He looked at me hesitantly, silently reasuring me there would be no change to our initial plan.

Mia opened her mouth to argue but shut it again, looking really upset she trudged away, sulking. Her first impression hasn't been up to par, and my view of her was pushed very lowly.

"Boys! Mum's here," I called behind me as I saw my mother walking down the stairs to the beach. "so you guys should get back to her. Shea and I will be on his boat" I finished quickly as Shea latched onto my hand and started to drag me towards the orange streaked boat. Once a safe distance away, i questioned him.

"So who is Mia?" I ask him curious.

"Well she's my cousin. She actually arrived really early this morning. Her mum was whisked away by her new fiancé on a romantic trip for two. Unfortunately as Gran is still in hospital we're the only family that can look after her for the next month or two. We've never really been that close, she's a very interesting girl, as I'm sure you gathered as much. She's an only child and since her dad died five years ago, its like she had a personality change and she's becone this spoilt brat persona ever since.  Sorry I'm talking too much, we can talk after the ride, but right now we don't have Mia on our back so lets get going!" Saying nothing but nodding in reply I was lead over to where the boat had been anchored earlier today in preparation for this afternoon.

I jumped on the back and Shea intied the binding rope, we were free and ready to take on the waves!


Hey everyone!
Thx for reading
Luv u all


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