Chapter 19:The Lesson

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Fade looked around the dark cave and saw ancient devilish signs and etc. One sign was drawn but it wasn't in good shape so Fade couldn't tell what it was until Stitches dust it off. Fade's eyes widen as she now saw that this drawn sign was about Stitches' wings.
"This is beautifully drawn." Fade touched the drawing. Stitches smiled and nodded while looking at the drawing.
"It is indeed! Heh..." Stitches responded. Fade turned to look at Stitches then she slowly tilted her head and crosses her arms.
"So...umm what kind of Sin are you?" Fade asked and looked at Stitches still then Stitches turned and looked at Fade.
"I'm Gluttony." Stitches bows and has pride in her Sin Title. Fade tilts her head and looked shocked as she can see that Stitches isn't fat since she remembered that the definition of the Gluttony Sin was 'having too much food to eat'.
"Really? But...but you're not fat?" Fade said and Stitches laughed.
"I don't know what definition you have but that's WRONG!" She kept laughing. Fade felt embarrassed and stupid.
"Oh.." Fade said lowly. The Stitches patted her back.
"It's ok you didn't know! But Gluttony is when you have too much of something, pretty much hehe...and I have too much FREEDOM!" Stitches smiles and flew around the dark cave while giggling. Fade watched amazed that Stitches beautiful wings could take her so high up in the air in a matter of seconds.
Wow!" Fade said while watching Stitches fly. Stitches then softly landed on a cloud and smiled. Fade smiled and clapped.
"Nice show." She said and Stitches got up to bow.
"Ah thank you, little one~" Stitches then flew down and stopped when she was in front of Fade.
"Are you ready?" Stitches asked. Fade tilted her head and raised her eyebrow.
"For wh-" before Fade could even finish her sentence, Stitches grabbed her arm and transferred memories to her. Fade could see memories of children being free and happy. Fade smiled at these memories of "Freedom", but then...It stopped and the memories all faded away into the darkness.
"What's happening?!" She panicked as she could hear screams and cries.
"Stitches? STITCHES?!" Fade looked around, but Stitches was gone. Fade saw a blue door open. She stared at it and slowly made her way towards the door.
"Umm...Stitches?" Fade opened the door more and slowly went in. It was all white and cold, Fade couldn't see much, suddenly she heard a beeping machine.
"Hmm?" She went up to a crystal-clear window and saw a little girl. Fade gasped and her eyes widen as she realized that the little girl is Stitches. She could see little Stitches laying on a hospital bed.
"Stitches?!" Fade yelled and banged on the window. Fade looked around the white and cold room, but she saw that there was no door for her to get to Stitches. Fade sighed and frowned as she looked at the young Stitches. Fade's eyes slowly closed and she fell to the ground then she heard Stitches' voice.
"When I was a little girl...I had no freedom. I had no friends and I was not 'normal'." Stitches said and then her small memories started to show. There was a little memory of Stitches being alone in the cold room, petting her beautiful wings while she hummed a small misery tune. Another memory flashed in front of Fade's face and it was Stitches getting tested on by the scientists. Then the last memory showed...It was Stitches crying as they ripped her eyes out. Fade gasped and whimpered as she realized how horrible Stitches' life was. Then the memory stopped and Fade wakes up. She looks around for Stitches, but she can't see her anywhere.
"Stitches?" she looked around and Stitches was still nowhere. Fade suddenly heard humming. She started running towards the humming, the humming got a bit louder.
"I'm close..." Fade said as she kept running. She was determined to find Stitches. Suddenly she saw Stitches on the floor just humming and smiling. Fade sighed in relief and she slowly stopped running.
"I...I was scared!" Fade panted and tried to catch her breathe.
"You mean 'I was so scared'?" Stitches corrected Fade. Fade rolled her eyes and smiled at Stitches while thinking to herself "Really? Really Stitches?", Stitches giggled and smiled at Fade.
"Yes...Yes I am a grammar freak..." Stitches said while smiling. Stitches then stood up and walked up to Fade.
"This Lesson is about 'Freedom'...I want you to think about 'Freedom' and what the true meaning of 'Freedom' is." Stitches said then she softly touched Fade's head.
"Now...go to sleep." Stitches whispered and slowly Fade passed out.

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