Chapter 9 Strange Happenings

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Ragina led them to a set of stairs that descended down into the darkness. The rough dirt stairs led down and down and down until it led to this hallway that had stone walls with water dripping from the ceiling.

Kevin and his friends walked for what seemed like hours but was only thirty minutes in the darkness until they came to this room that had lanterns hanging from the sides and a big bloods pool in the middle.

When they looked closely, they could see sharks almost dead with hunger inside the pool

"Uhh," Chris shuddered.

It was very creepy in here, but they continued moving on through the pitch darkness. Cobwebs brushed against the friends shoulders. Suddenly, they emerged into a big room with a big pool in the middle. They looked down and they saw Angel!

" What do we do?" Gasped Kevin.

" I don't really know, I'll try my magic on her," Ragina said.

A blue bolt shot out of her wand landing on Angel's body.

Angel's body shivered a little, but remained still.

" She's already dead," whispered Chris.

Chris suddenly had a brainwave. he reached into his bag and drew out the revive fruit. he squeezed the juice into Angel's tattered body. 

Angel blinked, and opened her eyes. She was alive again.

" Hooray!" Shouted the friends.

Angel climbed out of the pool and started walking towards the east corridor which the friends hadn't been in yet.

" Angel, it's the other way," Nanyine said calmly.

But Angel didn't listen. She just started sprinting full speed through the corridor.

" Angel, wait up!" Shouted Kevin as they sprinted along the corridor following her.

Angel turned around, her eyes ablaze. " Beware..." she hissed.

Flame wings spread out of her arms and she flew into the night sky.

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