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I looked at my phone and debated on calling or texting him. It had been a day since I last spoke to him, and I was just now getting the courage to do this.

I looked at the paper in front of me and stuffed it back in my pocket. I wasn't ready to speak to him again, even when I wanted to hear his voice.

Truthfully, I was scared to make the first move. I wanted him to reach me but clearly, he can't. He doesn't have my damn number.

After five minutes of just staring at my phone while in my car, I grew balls and forced myself to text him.

Me: Hey, it's Kylie

Not even five seconds later I heard the familiar ding coming from my phone.

Grayson: About time u decided to text, I thought u died.

Me: Aw, you missed me?

Grayson: Oh yea. Wanna hang out?

With that we hung out for a hours, then days, then months, and then he asked me to be his girlfriend. It happened quick, and I somewhat wanted to relive it just for the fun and romance.

To this day I still don't know why I agreed to make out with him in that empty movie theater, but I'm glad I did.

I also still thank those friends that blew me off on that day, although they aren't that close to me anymore.

Safe to say Grayson changed me, we supported each other through thick and thin and we taught each other new things. I loved him and he loved me and I couldn't be anymore grateful.


It's finished? What?

Well yeah, it's a short story. Anyway, I'm sorry for this cliche ending, it was destined to be like that. Also, huge thanks to the people who made it here and supported by giving votes and feedback. Love you guys.

Quick question, would you guys like extra chapters? Like scenes where they are in a relationship or where he asks her out? Something like that? Because I'd be down to write some for you guys!

empty movie theater - grayson dolanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon