Chapter 33

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*Marie's POV*

"Mar, wake up.....we're here." I heard Ty say softly.

"Home?" I asked groggily.

"No, we're at the hotel Aaron is." He chuckled.

"We are?" I asked becoming more awake. I looked out the window and saw the sky just beginning to darken. "What time is it?" I yawned and stretched as much as I could sitting in a car.

"It's about 8:30." Ty told me. He carefully got out of the car with me in his arms. He closed the door and walked to the back of the car where everyone else already was. He gently placed me on my feet and I rested my head against his shoulder and closed my eyes. I was exhausted. I just want a bed without bedbugs, a room without a cockroach, no raccoons, and not having to sleep on the cold, hard ground. I was also really hungry I hadn't eaten in a long time......come to think of it, none of us have. I guess we've all been a little pre-occupied.

"Guys, I'm starving." Cam whined as if he read my thoughts. I mumbled an agreement and I heard Kyle laugh litghtly.

"Mar, are you hungrier or more tired?" He teased. I stood there for a second, not really sure. "Mar?"

"Hold on, I'm trying to decide." I grumbled. This time everyone snickered.

"Alright, let's get inside first, before we decide what to do." Ty decided. I heard the sounds of peoples footsteps moving away from us. I stood where I was leaning against Ty. "Mar, let's go." He urged. I grunted a response. He sighed and put an arm around my shoulder. He started walking forward and I followed slowly. I opened my eyes and watched where I was going so I didn't fall and hurt myself like I probably would have.

We followed the others through the doors and into the lobby.

"Aaron? It's us!" Cam shouted.

"Oh, hey guys. I didn't know you were coming tonight, I thought you were coming tomorrow. Oh, well, doesn't really matter." He smiled. He turned to me and smiled bigger. I smiled back and waved. He returned the gesture. This didn't go unnoticed by Dan. He glared at Aaron then looked at me with a look of hurt. Now he knows I felt......and still feeling.

"Can we grab something quick to eat? Then we want to go right to sleep.......we're exhausted." Kyle told Aaron.

"Oh, yeah sure. I actually have some food that I got just the other day from the store down the street. I got it when Marie called to tell me you would be stopping by. I'll just get it you guys do look tired." He smiled at me and turned towards the kitchen. As we all were walking towards the kitchen, Dan came up to me.

"Marie, can I talk to you please?" He asked. I didn't look in his direction, instead I looked down. I had told Lizzy that if I was going to talk to him, I wanted to wait for a few days, until I could trust myself not to cry or scream at him. Ty stared hard at Dan, and Dan shifted uncomfortably.

"There's nothing to talk about." I said softly. It was the first I had spoken to him since.....the whole Amber thing.

"Yes there is....I want to explain to you what happened." He pleaded. Ty made a grunting noise in his throat and narrowed his eyes at Dan.

"I know what happened and there's nothing to explain."

"Yes, there is, now plea--"

"I don't want to hear it." I said firmly. I gripped onto Ty's arm to keep from shoving Dan.

"Please, Marie, it wasn't wh--" He said grabbing onto my arm.

"Don't touch her." Ty growled, pulling me away from Dan.

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