Confidence Embraced

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     It was happening again. The sandpaper feeling for lack of a better word. The fetal position was my best friend right now. I felt helpless among all of these soldiers in training when I could barely withstand my own abilities. Without water I was being sucked dry. Ventros ran off with Skye minutes ago but it felt like ages before I saw them return to the table again. I wasn't yet on the ground but I was going to be at any moment. 

     "Tas you're going to have to come with us. Can you walk?" Skye asked, already moving my arm to rest around his shoulders. Ventros did the same. 

     "I- I think so." I responded with a sharp gasp as my breaths came out short and shallow.

     With their help we hurried over to the training area of the first floor. The large space was rather empty except for the wall of water  that almost reached the high ceilings my eyes were instantly drawn to to our right.  We ran up some steps that brought us to the very top of the colossal pool and I was immediately dropped into it.

     As before, the water sent a surge of energy through me , cascading my body in power. All of my tensions melted away and I felt renewed and more alive than ever before. 

     When the feeling of control left my legs I looked down not to find two feet but a strong, slim, elegant tail of a shimmering ocean blue. My tail measured longer than my legs would have been and narrowed near the end right before the fin. The fin itself was much wider and larger than I have ever seen in comparison to the ratio between a fish's body and tail. It had a very majestic, intricate look to the end which was trimmed with a mix of other beautiful shades of blue. My clothes were gone but my chest was now enveloped in the same blue scales my tail was made up of and looking down along the length of my arms they too had scales running their length ; the density of scales thickening the farther down my arm they went. I remembered my strange semi-formation from before and looked closely at my hands to discover that what I had seen was true, a webbing spread between my fingers and my nails shone like opal. My long liquid ember hair danced before my eyes as I attempted to swim to the surface. It was a very different feeling than having two legs but I quickly adjusted to the motion and swam up to where I knew Skye and Ventros waited for me, allowing one hand at a time to grab onto the ledge before my head resurfaced. 

     "Wow....." Skye whispered as he knelt down to be near me. His eyes reflected my blue glow that lit up the water around me and he slowly moved his hand to trace my webbed hands. 

     "You're not.....frightened?" I asked cautiously peering up at Skye's deep blue eyes and thick lashes.

     Skye's expression went from serene curiosity and amazement to a stone wall in an instant "No of course not. I have studied fish my whole life, I love fish! I-I-I mean I like fish." he flustered as he cleared his throat and stood up again.

     "I can say one thing for sure. This is AMAZING!" Ventros exclaimed throwing his hands up and added "Show me your tail!" 

     I let go of the side and floated onto my back revealing what has become of my long legs. Skye and Ventros stared in awe, their jaws dropping as they took in the details of my fin. I returned to the ledge with concern.

     "But what will I do now? How do I get my legs back? I'm a nuisance!" I cried out splashing my hands down into the water in frustration. I enjoyed the idea of being half fish.  It was incredible and I still couldn't believe it was true but what of the training? What would become of me now that I couldn't go on land? 

     "There is only one way to find out." Skye said with a sly crooked smile as he knelt down again; his composer returned. 

     "And what is that?" Ventros asked crossing his thick arms across his chest.

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