Poor Gregory

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Chapter 20

(Seana's POV)

The doors shut close. "Gregory!" I shrieked as he banged the solid gates. "Seana! We have to go!" Shelby screamed as I turned my head. "No!" I screamed back as tears streamed in my eyes. I pulled Gregory but he couldn't fit through the gates. Herobrine flew up the electric fence as his eyes glared with anger."Let's go!" Shelby pulled me away from Gregory. "Gregory!" I screamed as his face was shocked. "Go! Leave!" Gregory yelled as the zombies grabbed him. I screamed, obviously angry with Shelby. Shelby dragged me as Tiana looked at me helplessly. She knew it was going to happen. As I trailed behind Shelby I remember what happen a few days ago...

(3 Days Ago)

"Hey... What you doing?" Tiana asked me. "Well... Thinking of... You know it already!" I said as she nodded nervously. "Um.... Seana?" Tiana asked. "Do you like Gregory?" she asked as I looked at her with confusion.

(Tiana's POV)

" Do you like Gregory?" I blurted out. "Well... No. He's disgusting and don't tell him but, I heard him farted two minutes ago," Seana said as I giggled. "Well, why did you ask?" Seana questioned as I bit my bottom lip. "You like him don't you?" Seana asked with a big grin on her face. "Stop it! Ya.. Like since I was 4! But I'm too afraid of asking him to be my boyfriend and I thought you kinda of fancy him..." I said as her face started to turn pink. "And Shelby doesn't want any lovely dovely situations. If he sees, he would remember about Pearl..." I said as she nodded slowly. "But he wouldn't mind if it was you, cause he treats you like a good friend!" I said as Seana looked at me with widen eyes. "Please Seana, I really really really really really really really really really really really really really rea-" "OK! OK! I do it!" she said as I smiled at her. "I help you get him. But first it must look like I like Gregory so that Shelby will not be aware of you liking Gregory," she said. I nodded as we began our get-Gregory-to-like-Tiana plan. It would work out but we need a lot of time.


(Seana's POV )

I followed Shelby as I gritted my teeth. "We could have make it!" I screamed as Shelby didn't turn his head to face me. "Hello? I'm talking to you! Don't ignore me!" I screamed with emotions exploding out of my mouth. I couldn't let Tiana's dreams be crushed because of this douche. I screamed angrily as Shelby finally answered, "I have no choice," I HAVE NO CHOICE?! I HAVE NO- Now that's just dumb! But before I could answer and scream my head off, something covered my eyes and the next thing I knew I was dragged by some idiot which I'm probably going to kill.

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