Unbelievable Truth

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Chapter 42

(Serious' POV)

"Ruff.." I mumbled out my last breath as my eyes slowly closed. How long was I running away from Jeremy? And the fact that he knows I can talk.. And the fact that I'm working for him.. It's just so messed up. Maybe I should tell them? My eyes fluttered opened as Zachary patted my head. I took a deep lasting breath and finally said, "Please don't freak out but I have something to say."

(Zachary's POV)

My eyes widen. Wait what? He.. Can.. Talk..! I stared at his brown little eyes as I stammered, "E-eh oka..okay," he looked at me as he told me something that made my pants went on fire.

(Seana's POV)

I carried the boy off into the woods as his weight somehow got heavier as if by magic. I grew tired and my legs were wobbly. "Jaky.. Please.. Get.. Off me.." I managed to blurt out as he snored. That little libaba snored. In my ear. Loudly. My irritation grew as I growled. He woke up instant and smiled.

(Jaky's POV)

A loud growl awoken me as I lifted my head. I blinked slowly and smiled as Seana's irritation grew larger as every second ticked. "Tick Tock Tick Tock, Seana is A-" as soon as I could finish my sentence, I was thrown off her back, and onto the cold yet soft snow.

(Shelby, Tiana, IceFrost's POV)
They soon walked on, they were exhausted, dying, and apparently cant find Zachary and Seana. "Where in the blue moon can they actually go?" Shelby asked as he staggered slowly to a tree, leaning his butt on the trunk. "We have been walking for 1 Hour already!" Tiana complained as IceFrost kept quiet, as he stared off in the distance. "I know, and hopefully we can find them as soon as possible.." Shelby said exhaustingly as he wiped the sweat off his forehead. "Guys!" IceFrost screamed, apparently not talking to Shelby or Tiana. IceFrost waved vigorously, Shelby, feeling curious, looked ahead. There was Seana, and this little boy.
(Zachary's POV)
"Dude!" I yelled as I could not believe what I had heard. "You're Jeremy's servant? That crazy purple cow servant?" I was fuming. "Well.. Im sorry.. I-I I just.. hiash.. Im sorry Zachary.." Serious ruffed. "Well if you're really sorry, then you'll tell us what in the flippy flop is his damn plan!" Zachary argued. "Zach, he wants to take over the world, quickly save it before.. its.. too... late.." Serious lied flat. I touched his pulse. Serious is dead.
(Author's Notes Again yay)
Heh heh heh. well this book is just getting more confusing. I seriously apologised as I dont know how to end this erm.. smoothly? yup.. so give me some time as I try to get the story out as soon as possible and yes. Serious is dead. No animals abused. No worries haha :p anyway cutting to the point, hope you enjoy this chapter and THANKS FOR 10K READS WOHOOO!!

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