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______'s POV.

Respiré hondo una última vez para calmar mis nervios antes de empezar y comencé a cantar.

______: I drove by all the places, we used to hang out getting wasted, I thought about our last kiss, how it felt, the way you tasted? And even though your friends tell me, you're doing fine.

Are you somewhere feeling lonely even though he's right beside you? When he says those words that hurt you, do you read the ones I wrote you?

Sometimes I start to wonder was it just a lie? If what we had was real, how could you be fine? Cos' I'm not fine at all.

I remember the day you told me you were leaving, I remember the makeup running down your face and the dreams you left behind you didn't need them, like every single wish we ever made.

I wish that I could wake up with amnesia and forget about the stupid little things, like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you and the memories I never can escape, cos' I'm not fine at all.

The pictures that you sent me they're still living in my phone, I'll admit I like to see them, I'll admit I feel alone and all my friends keep asking why I'm not around.

It hurts to know you're happy and it hurts that you moved on, it's hard to hear your name when I haven't seen you in so long.

It's like we never happened, was it just a lie? If what we had was real how could you be fine? Cos' I'm not fine at all.

I remember the day you told me you were leaving, I remember the makeup running down your face and the dreams you left behind you didn't need them, like every single wish we ever made.

I wish that I could wake up with amnesia and forget about the stupid little things, like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you and the memories I never can escape.

If today I woke up with you right beside me like all of this was just some twisted dream, I'd hold you closer than I ever did before and you'd never slip away, and you'd never hear me say.

I remember the day you told me you were leaving, I remember the makeup running down your face and the dreams you left behind you didn't need them, like every single wish we ever made.

I wish that I could wake up with amnesia and forget about the stupid little things, like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you and the memories I never can escape.

Cos' I'm not fine at all.

No, I'm really not fine at all.

Tell me this is just a dream.

Cos' I'm really not fine at all.

Al finalizar me dijeron que ellos me avisarían si había pasado a la etapa de las audiciones frente a los jueces, di las gracias y salí un poco más relajada aunque las caras de quienes me hicieron la audición no me reveló nada y no sabía si había estado bien o no, qué difícil van a ser estos días esperando a que me llamen y eso, si lo hacen.

Salí y de inmediato vi a mi mamá, la abracé muy fuerte y me preguntó cómo me había ido, le dije que esperaba y bien, pero que la verdad no sabía contestarle, me dijo que ya nos íbamos y emprendimos camino de vuelta a la casa.

Llegamos mi mamá y yo a la casa y
mi hermana, mi papá y mis amigas estaban muy expectantes entonces les conté cómo había pasado todo el asunto y todos me dijeron que pensara en positivo y que primero Dios, lograba pasar a la siguiente etapa.


Pasaban los días y seguía con la incertidumbre, pero ahora es una incertidumbre diferente porque ya había terminado el periodo de los castings y sí, había logrado pasar, entonces estaba súper feliz, pero ahora tengo que prepararme para presentarme frente a Laura Pausini, Ricky Martin y Alejandro Sanz, lo cual sube el nivel al mil en lo personal.

Para ese día había decidido ya la canción que iba a cantar, sería "Irremplazable" de Urband5 la que marcaría ahora mi futuro en el programa y me iba a preparar para ese día tan esperado. 



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All the love. F.

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