Chapter 17:

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Rachael's P.O.V:

I sat at home, aimlessly staring at my tv. Not watching anything in particular, just thinking, mainly.

About Harry.

I turn the TV off and start to walk towards my room. I hear my phone go off and I check the message.

'From: Harry

Look out your front window :)'

So I do, and I see Harry leaning against his car. He sees me and waves. I go outside and he pushes me into his car, and as he gets into the car it starts to rain.

What, it's summer.

As we drive towards the coffee shop in town, I see Niall and Nadia sitting on the corner, waiting. They seem really close...

"Hey, did I tell you?" Harry nudged me.

"What?" I said.

"About Nadia and Niall?" He said.






Harry nodded knowingly. WHAT NIALL AND NADIA OOOOH.

I stared at Harry, wishing that I could have this green eyes, dimpled curly haired boy.

If only.

Harry caught me staring. "Like what you see?" He winked at me.

"Maybe I do." I winked back.

We got out the car, and Harry dramatically dropped to his knee.

Ohgodohgod what's happening.

"Rachael, I've always liked you... Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, nervously.

I blinked. "Yesssss!" I cried, jumping into his arms for a hug.

Nadia came running up.


Harry laughed, "No, I just..."

Nadia caught on. "OHHHMYGODDDD CONGRATULATIONS!" She screamed.

We all laughed.

MY HAPPINESS = LEVEL 1000000000.

*Dedicated to Rachael hope you enjoyed it my lovely :) -Jamie*

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