East of Eden

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Hello! For those of you that haven't read my past work before, welcome to East Of Eden.

I️ am sooo proud to publish this. I haven't written in like 4 years and kept this in the dark for god knows how long. In the midst of everything going on with this COVID-19 craziness, I found some motivation and figured its that time again! In all honesty I missed this outlet. And it is much needed now more than ever.

I will tell you that this story is a bit different, but i'm hoping you all give it a chance. This is also a Zayn Malik fan fiction. The characters will be posted in the following chapter and will be updated as we go along. As for the main character, she can be anybody you want, so I wont post anyone specifically representing her. I also love the idea of stories having their own playlists! So for every chapter I'll add a song. I hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as i'll enjoy writing it. And thank you for sticking with me. Love you guys!

(Please be advised this story is rated Mature. It will contain vulgar language, most definitely sex, mild drug usage, violence, some gore, all of the nitty gritty so READERS discretion is advised.)

©Intoxicatedd 2018.

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