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TheFatRat - Rise Up


10 years later

My boots touched the wet surface of the street as my senses were overtaken by the cold and humid air. Stepping out of the taxi, I grabbed my luggage from the trunk and tipped the driver, watching as he pulled away and drove off. As I take in my surroundings, turning my head from side to side, a small smile creeped up the corner of my lips.

I throw my backback over my shoulder and grab my luggage as I walk towards the apartment building in front me. Feeling up my pocket, I take out a crumpled piece of paper, straightening it out to read the passkey; a code that only residents use to get in through the main entrance of the apartment building.

Pin #6236
APT 3A floor 8

My eyes squint at the scribbling on the bottom of the wrinkly paper where there was a number written down. Sending the number a quick text and letting them know of my arrival, I throw the piece of paper in a trash bin before punching in the key.

As I tap my foot impatiently while waiting for the elevator, the hairs on the back of my neck stand. I hear someone cough and as I turn around I notice the person is already staring at me. "Yeah uh, the elevators are out of service. Been that way for about two weeks now." He said with a small smile, pointing to a flyer I had missed saying they were under maintenance. I closed my eyes, throwing my head back. If I have to carry my luggage up the stairs to the eighth floor, I might no- will, actually cry on the way there.

Noticing my reaction he laughed,"you're new here aren't you?"

"You can say that" I said briefly, eyeing him from head to toe, not missing his tall height and dark brown eyes.

"What floor are you staying on?"

"Eighth" I sigh heavily, remembering the flight of stairs that await me.

"Well you're in luck" he said suddenly grabbing my luggage without me having to ask "I stay on the 6th floor. Follow me."

Going up the narrow flight of stairs we remained quiet. Unsure of whether our silence is comfortable or not, I decided to break the ice since, I suppose I just met one of my neighbors. That, and my curiosity can't be helped.

"So what's your name?"

"Lucas" He said, throwing a small smile over his shoulder. "And yours?"

I hesitate for a moment before telling him, "Sage." Looking up our eyes met for a brief second, "My name is Sage."

"Sage," he said repeating to himself. "That's a nice name." I didn't answer but rather managed a small smile when he turned around to look at me again.

"I haven't seen you around these parts. What brings you to Washington D.C?"

"Job opportunity, school." I said, "Couldn't miss it and I wanted a change in scenery." Not bothering to get into detail. Which in my defense is partially true. Though I wasn't offered any opportunity and don't go to school, i've been working the same job for the last few years because of how easily manageable it is. Working in graphic design & editing is super flexible if you have a laptop that you can take with you wherever you go. That's perfect for a person like me, someone whose used to not sitting still in the same place for too long.

Suddenly stopping to open a door, "Well congratulations to you" he said. "This is the eighth floor" dragging my luggage in front of him and handing it to me. I wasn't so keen on him knowing exactly where I was staying. As if noticing my hesitation, he held the door open indicating that he wasn't going to stay.

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