Chapter 1

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I was walking down the cold dark street, the streak of light from the street light hitting my face as the mist from my breath swirled upwards into the obscure night sky.Glancing upwards I looked at the beautifully night sky filled with it's twinkling stars and mysterious moon.Closing my eyes as I sucked in the frigid air I let my mind go blank.Looking forward I spotted a murky figure moving speedily towards me in the dimly lit streets."Now I wonder what someones doing out here at this time of night?",I questioned as I examined the lightning fast vehicle moving straight for me.

I turned to run but I didn't get far because as soon as I did the van came to a screeching halt in front of me.Before I had a chance to scream I felt a steel grip on my upper arms and a hand clasp around my mouth.I kicked and hit at my hidden kidnapper as I tried to twist out of his hold but to no avail. Something made of rough fabric came over top of my head and I was blinded as I heard the click of the doors shutting.Great.......I've been kidnapped.


Oh I know just two paragraphs but it's for a good reason!I need your opinion and I like the suspense. So comment and i'll (most likely) write more.OK question time.Who kidnapped this girl?Where are they taking her?Why kidnap her?What will they do to her?In fact whats her name?Until next time,


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