Chappie 3

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  • Gewidmet Ashton Chase,my sexy icecream cone

It was a little while later.We had dug into the food(with the girls assuring me it wasn't drugged first of course) and now we were searching the basement.Jasmine and Jessica were in the first room, Meagan was checking the second room,Nicole was searching the third and I was running around in the living room.I was currently searching under the couch cushions when Jasmine appeared in the door way."Jessica found something",she announced before shuffling back into the room.

Leaving my disgruntled pile of cushions I followed her into the room with Meagan and Nicole right behind me.I entered the room and glided over to Jessica, who was on the ground with something on her lap.Kneeling down beside her I studied the object.It was rectangular flowery book with peeling covers.I couldn't help but to assume that it was quite old or even over used.

"What is it?",I questioned, still staring at the misshaped book."I think it's a diary",Jessica answered as she flipped through its yellowing pages."Let me see",I commanded as I took the thin diary and skimmed the pages before deciding on the first page.The writing was faded and the pages were crumpled by it seemed readable to me.The girls gathered around me and we all started reading it together.

"This journal is for those who are suffering the same as we did.In these pages you will find a day-by-day diary written by each of the girls,some notes and tips on how to survive life in this cold basement and a map to something we have drawn that will eventually lead you to something important.Stay safe and don't trust the old man and his wife-Alyssa".

I closed the ragged book and looked around at the rest of the girls.They all had astonished looks on their faces and I knew what they were thinking.That there was some people here before us and something happened to them.But what?And by whom's hand?

It didn't matter.All that did was getting out of here safe and alive.And I had a feeling that I had to be the one to do that.


Sorry it took so long, my internet was down.So anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter and comment and tell me how angry you are with me taking so long. ;) Until next time,


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