Chapter 7: Mafia Life

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It had been three weeks since you had joined the Vargas household and to say the least you had enjoyed yourself, everyone was polite but maybe that was because of your reputation, apart from Francis and Gilbert a Prussian man you had met later on who insisted on grabbing your ass at every given opportunity.

This resulted in him paying many trips to the medic a very lazy Greek man called Heracles. He was nice, even though he was sleeping most of the time. You had managed to do a lot of research into your parents murder, in your room you had set up a wall which had several faces pinned up and linked to each other with various post it notes. Feliciano often advised you to stop working and go train with him, most of the time you declined his offer since it meant you trying to hit him while he curled into a ball and begged you not to harm him.

You could now see why Romano was to be the future Grandfather. Speaking of Romano, you hadn't talked the green eyed Italian much since you first met him. But he did watch you alot, he watched you while you trained, during your breaks and when he did talk to you it would always be some smooth comment, as a reply you would smirk and send one back. It may not be very professional but when a hot young man flirts with you, you flirt back.

However you had learned that Romano had a fiery temper especially towards Ludwig, Gilbert's brother but also Antonio who he had affectionately nicknamed 'Tomato Bastard' which you thought was oddly endearing. He had even lost his temper with you a couple of times when you got into fist fights with his men for disrespecting you, the two of you had an argument you having to back down since he was your bosses son.

He didn't apologise, he waited a couple of days and went back to the usual watch and flirt rhythm. However everything wasn't all sunshine and rainbows this was the Mafia you worked with and you had see a lot of stuff and learnt a lot of stuff. First of all people dying and dead bodies, you were used to both those things but when they were brought in screaming from a gunshot wound to the stomach or an eye taken out by a knife. It made your cringe. Not only that but some poor souls got caught by other mafias and the bodies they'd get back or even worse the videos were truly horrifying

You noticed a lot of prostitutes or 'call girls' as people liked to call them you had seen some basic of the streets ones for the Mafia men but for the Dons Gilbert, Francis and Antonio and the Vargas' you had seen some of the most beautiful women you had ever seen, they could of been models some of them might of even been models. Drugs were another common occurrence mostly it was trafficking but a few Mafia men took the stuff you would always deny when they offered you some.

You hung out a lot with the Mafia men after all of you went on a team mission it was them who would be your team mates but you gee particularly close to two assassins of the French and German Mafia Lucille Bonnefoy, sister to Francis Bonnefoy and Elizabeta Herdavery, assassin for the German Mafia and engaged to Gilbert's cousin Roderich.

The three of you grew close able to relate to each other through your jobs and the amount of stuff the two of you had seen. The two of you had trained together as well as protected each other. A lot of people weren't use to the fact that the three of you were assassins not call girls so they had to be taught 'some manners'.

Right now you were preparing for a mission, your first mission working under the Vargas family so you had to do avoid job. It was your first mission since you had collaborated in some bank heists and a couple of territory disputes but this was your first solo mission. It was a simple retrieval mission, your objective was to obtain some important files about the Chinese Mafia drug routes and get out as quickly as possible and without being spotted. It was going to be difficult since Yao Wang was a paranoid man and always had tight security.

This would be an interesting mission. Since word had gotten out that you had been sold off to the Italian Mafia and since the Wang family had been deliberately using drug routes through Vargas territory Wang must of guessed that you would come for him at some point. Now came the difficult choice, choosing what to bring with you their were so many weapons but you needed to light and nimble and silent.

You went to the gun section and picked out twin silenced pistols and next to it was the knife section and picked out a simple pocketknife, your favourite weapon. You holstered your weapons and made your way out of the weapons room and down a dark corridor, you opened a si owl door and into the blinding sunshine as you made your way into the back driveway. You walked confidently towards a black SUV where to your surprise Ludwig and Romeo we here sitting in the back, Romeo drumming his fingers on his legs and Ludwig polishing his gun with a dirty rag.

The crackling of your feet against stones of the driveway caught Ludwigshafen attention and he lifted his head up "Guten Morgen ___" He greeted you nodded back "So you boys here to help me or are you off doing your own thing" Romeo lifted his head as you climbed into the car and sat next to Ludwig "Sorry Bella but were of killing of some rats for Grandpa Rome, can't let the vermin whisper are secrets" Romeo chided. You simply hummed in response.

A few minutes later and a couple more men filled into the car and the driver started up the ignition and drove out.

So sorry I haven't updated recently I've been very tired with Biology and Physics exams and I'm currently revising for a Spainish exam so this is why I'm writing this at 10:52 at night

I felt bad for not posting anything on the weekend so I quickly whipped this up to tide over your Lovino cravings.

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