Chapter Two

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I slept most of the night undisturbed, only stirring when someone came in to check on me and walked into a chair, whispering curse words. I opened one eye to see Glenn's face, only reflected by the moonlight.

"Hi Glenn," I croaked.

"Hey," he whispered, "You okay?"

I nodded my head and let out a soft 'mhmm' rubbing my eyes and burying myself deeper into the soft bed, feeling sleep overcome me again as I heard Glenn leave the room as quietly as he could.

3rd Person P.O.V

Some of the group were gathered around the campfire outside, talking quietly about the new arrival, discussing stories they had heard about her from before the world went bad. Andrea was sitting on top of the RV, keeping watch and listening in on everyone's conversations.

Inside the house, Rick, Glenn, Daryl, Hershel, Lori and Shane were also discussing the new arrival.

"She said to you herself she would be no use!" Shane spoke loudly, exasperated that they had another mouth to feed, another woman to protect.

"We'll find something to do with her." Rick spoke calmly.

"She's given my daughter hope." Hershel piped up after a few seconds of Shane pacing around the floor. "Beth looks up to that woman, and just the sheer coincidence of her bein' the woman Maggie and Glenn saved is enough for me to want to keep her here."

"She could help Carol and I." Lori suggested, the two woman could always use more help, washing everyone's clothes and preparing the meals, especially just now with Carol's mind being elsewhere most of the time.

"What's wrong with you people, some pretty airhead comes along and ya'll are falling over your feet to help her out when she ain't done anything for us!" Shane protested and stormed out of the house, towards his tent.

The remaining 5 all sent each other looks, until they heard the shouts of the topic of discussion coming from upstairs. All of them jumped to their feet immediately and Daryl took off for the stairs but Rick stopped him.

"Glenn, go." Rick barked at the Asian and he immediately bounded up the stairs. Daryl turned round furiously to Rick.

"No offence Daryl, but I think she'd rather see Glenn than a cross bow wielding giant that's hardly spoken 10 words to her." Rick answered, patting him on the back and Daryl just glared at him.

A few minutes later Glenn came back down to the living room, informing everyone that she wasn't even awake and must have just been shouting in her sleep. The group began to walk out of the house towards the campsite where the rest of the group were preparing to go to bed. They all looked up to the other survivors approaching them.

"Georgia is staying. Tomorrow we start looking in the grids for Sophia. Make sure you get plenty of rest." Rick spoke and walked to his tent with Lori, not allowing anyone to comment.

Georgia's P.O.V

I slept right through until early morning and it was the most rested I had felt in weeks. I quickly pulled on my jeans and flannel shirt that was way too big for me and my boots that were getting too worn out for my liking.

The Georgian sun hit my face as I stepped onto the farm, looking around to see where I could be of help. I spotted the short haired woman, Carol, sitting by a bucket, washing a big pile of clothes and made my way over to her.

"Need any help?" I questioned timidly and she looked up at me with a smile.

"That would be great. Lori's still asleep. How about you finish Dale's stuff here while I go fill us up another bucket?"

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