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It was happening again.

I was alive but I couldn't wake up.

I focused on my breathing, feeling and hearing the deep heavy breaths making my chest rise. I tried not to cry.

Again I was left motionless and unable to move

Again I couldn't speak

Again I could hear everything, even though it was muffled



Again I heard his voice

My breathing stopped, and lump formed in my throat. I could feel my heart rate rapidly increasing, fear slowly drowning me. I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't so eventually gave up.


I never knew that someone saying my name could sound so perfect, yet truly horrifying at the same time. I just knew that it was Taehyung, my instinct and heart agreeing with my conclusion. I wanted to respond but knew I couldn't.

"Is it my fault?"

My thoughts came to a halt as I processed the words. I had no idea what he was talking about.

"I was really cold. I think you were too"

My brain clicked onto an answer. The rain. I wanted to agree that it was cold but I was helpless. More of me wanted to ask why he thought this was his fault, whatever this was.

"Namjoon and Jin are worried. Your cousin called a moment ago. He only just found out. Apparently he got into the dance college and they banned him from contact to others that weren't family for two terms."

I had no idea who or what he was going on about. I thought I didn't have any family.

"Yoongi said he'll pick him up and bring him here soon."

I wanted to smile at the thought of meeting someone new, but Taehyung sounded sad and I couldn't help but want to share his pain.

"I really want to kiss you again"

I wanted him to kiss me too.

"I should rest. I'll see you in the morning, Kookie."

His voice was soft, and not as terrifying anymore. I inwardly smiled and tried to blank out my mind, not sure how I was meant to fall asleep.

I laid in silence for at least two minutes before Taehyung spoke up again. "You probably won't hear so I guess you won't mind me singing to you, right?"

I was surprised, not originally seeing Taehyung as the type to sing. I listened, waiting for his voice to reach my ears again.

"Sorry, Kookie. I can't do it, not while you're like this. Soon, I promise."

I decided not to think up theories, and to just store his words in my memory. I told myself to one day make him sing for me. He did promise.

I slowly drifted off into a land of confusing dreams, Taehyung's voice still with me like last time, except now bringing me comfort.


this is so shIT, I CAN'T

blehsj, sorry for the wait


(Also, a new Yoonmin ff is on the way, ayyy)

silence; vkookWhere stories live. Discover now