Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

*Sarah’s POV*

“By the way, where is your house?” I asked James.

He pointed his finger towards something. I turned back and saw in the direction of his pointed finger.

“WHHAAA...” I trailed off, unsure of what to say. I was just too shocked to say something.

“Sarah,” He said waving his hand in front of my face. Even though I heard him, I didn’t reply. I stood there motionless.

“Sarah, shut your mouth otherwise flies will enter in it” he said with a smirk on his face.

Then I realised that my jaw just dropped after seeing my house.

He is going to live in my house?


But how?

“Ouch,” I said rubbing my hand.

“You pinched me!? Why?” I asked him with confused look on my face.

“Because you spaced out!” he said looking into my eyes.

“Are you going to live in my house???” I shouted at him.

He opened his mouth to reply me but cut off by my mom’s voice.

“Sweety, why are you shouting at him? Be nice to him, he is our paying guest.” Mom said smiling at him but I can sense the angriness in her tone.

“What the hell? Paying guest?” I asked even though I clearly understood what my mom said.  I just hoped that what I heard was wrong.

“Do you really want me to repeat everything?” my mom asked me with angry tone.

“Nope.” I said popping p up. If I said yes, I am sure about what’s going to happen.

I rushed into my room and threw my bag on my bed. Huh, I sighed in frustration. What’s really happening to me? Why I am that much irritated? Why the hell he chooses my house to live in? I am so confused.  I just really want to kill James right now. After opening door for him my life changed a lot.

“Dinner is ready.” my mom shouted, that snapped me into reality.

Oh Great! Now I will have my dinner with James, everyday. My life is just awesome. Note the sarcasm.

“Coming mom,” I shouted coming out of my room. I rushed downstairs and bumped into someone.

“Ouch” I said rubbing my forehead. I held head up to see who that was. That’s none another than James.

Not again!!

Without saying anything I ran towards dining table and settled down in my usual seat. I was eating my dinner as fast as I can. I just wanted to go to more room as soon as possible.

“Honey, eat slowly.” Mom told me looking angrily at me.

“That chicken is dead, that won’t go anywhere.” James commented with a smirk on his face.

“You are so funny, my boy” mom said ruffling his hair between giggles.

I can’t take this anymore, both are irritating me. I left the dinner and walked out from dining hall.

“Honey he is just kidding. Come back and finish the dinner” mom shouted from dining hall.

I rushed upstairs, went into my room and slammed the door angrily. What does he think about himself? First he came to my house and now, he is teasing me! And my mom is supporting him!! Huh. Irritating.

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