Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Who are yo............." I trailed off because he was falling to ground; I tried to catch him using all my strength. Finally, I stopped him from kissing the ground. It was such an awkward situation; I was holding a boy in my hands. Usually girls fall like that and boys will catch them, but it was totally reverse in my case. Today really can't get any worse; what the hell!!    

I sprinkled some water on his face, but that was of no use. What happened to him? Is he dead? Oh God save me! I checked his pulse, he is alive!! I started dragging him to the hall using all my strength, he weighed like an elephant on me, not that he was fat or something. At last I successfully managed to drag him to the hall, now all I was going to need was some water. I went to kitchen to get water for myself and to eat an apple as fast as I can to get all the strength I can. Then using the strength I gained, I threw him on to the couch.YAY!  Finally I made it. Now I am going to have to wake him up

This time, I directly poured a glass of water on his face. I tried my luck again but failed. I think I have to slap him, and then maybe he’ll wake up. I shouted loudly into his ear, "SORRY, I AM GOING TO SLAP YOU" .But even that didn't help. He had no choice to rescue from my slap, lying like that and all. By the way, he is a lucky guy because apparently he was the first person that was going to get a slap from me. Okay, time for the slap. I slapped him hard on his right cheek but he didn't wake up, there was absolutely no response.

What can I do if he is dead? The police would come and arrest me, thinking that I killed him; I don't want to go to Jail so soon. I got so scared that I had to check his pulse. This is probably the worst day of my life. Oh, Why me? 

I kept my two fingers against his neck, OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. He has no pulse!! That means I have only one choice, that is, CPR. That means I have to give him some air using my mouth, which also mean that means I have to kiss him. OH GOD!! I never thought that my first kiss would be like this, but I have to do it to save his life. 

I can do it, I can do it, I tried to gain some bravery by talking to my mind. I have to get ready for my first kiss. I opened his mouth slightly; I tried to give him some air by keeping my mouth a little away from his but that didn’t quite work. My first kiss, Oh noo!! If it doesn't work I am going to give him a SHOCK TREATMENT then.

I went near to him and started giving CPR, then he suddenly woke up and pushed me away, "OUCH" I fell on the ground hard. How mean? I stopped him from hitting the ground and I saved his life even though I don't even know him and he totally didn’t deserve any of it. That’s it; I can't control my anger any more.

 Getting up I yelled, "YOU IDIOT..........."


A/N :

Hey lovelies :)

sorry's too small but I want to end it like that ;)

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