36. Planning a Wedding

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Chapter Thirty-Six

Esme and Rosalie spent days planning the wedding. It was winter in Forks and Friday was supposed to be destined for a snow day. This naturally meant that Rose wanted a winter themed wedding. Emmett told me that he himself would pay any expenses to make her happy. I had to admire him for that. And heaven knows but Rose had been in enough agony these past few years. If a marriage made her happy...

While Esme, Emmett and Rose dealt with wedding plans, Edward and I took over Esme's final plans for their house. We had decided to give it to them as a wedding present. A house made of stone, cement and love. Esme had done a brilliant job, making the house look like a one floor castle. It was close to us but not close enough that we would hear the noise (and thoughts) of the married couple.

Edward and my own jobs were to finish furnishing the house. The living room had a flat screen T.V, a red velvet couch and matching armchair, white wallpaper and wooden floors with a red fluffy rug. The kitchen was whites, blacks and silvers with a small dining table for two. The bedroom was pink and blue with a king size double bed, pink silk sheets with matching pillow cases and cushions of different shapes and styles. The walls were decorated in pastel blue. The room had a bedside cabinet with a lamp on it, a chest of drawers and a wardrobe all stuffed with clothing. There was also a shoe cabinet with three shelves in the cabinet. One shelf contained high heels. The second contained Rosalie's everyday shoes and the third had Emmett's everyday shoes. The bathroom was blue with cabinets of make-up, perfume and deodorants. There was a bath-in-shower, towels, sink with pink and blue toothbrushes and toilet. It looked fantastic.

"If it wasn't so PINK, I wouldn't mind living here." Edward told me, laughing softly. I smiled with him.

"Well... All I can say is job well done." I clapped him on the back then we headed back up to our house. I locked the door behind us.

Once in our house, we came across Esme and Rosalie who were kneeling on the living room floor with pages and pages of notes, magazines and pictures surrounding them. Emmett was sat on the couch, watching the scene before him.

"Well this looks like fun... What are you doing?" Edward asked, dancing between the papers and notes to join Emmett on the couch.

"Finalising things." Rosalie replied.

"Have you done a guest list?" I asked Esme.

"Yep! Mostly humans so I've just invited our Denali cousins. Unless you can think of anyone else...?" I shook my head.

"No... Not this time."

"Why not?" Rose asked. I sighed and moved the papers, ignoring her protests. I took her face in my hands.

"I know you want a big, fancy wedding and you will get it but I can't risk the lives of hundreds of humans. Understood?" She nodded and I moved away. "I have to get ready for work." I left the room. In my room, Esme came up and joined me. She shut the door behind her. I got dressed into my work clothes.

"Are you okay?" She asked, gently.

"Yeah... Just stressed." I sighed softly.

"Maybe you need a holiday," I smiled slightly. Esme sighed too then and hugged me tightly. "I'll run you a bath for when you come home." She promised.

"You're the best." I told her, lifting her chin so her face was tilted upwards. I planted a kiss on her lips and left her in our room.

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