Chapter One ~ Runaway

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Hey guys! So this will be my first fanfic that I wrote alone, and my second Smosh fanfic. Some of you might know, but I have written another Smosh fanfic with my friend Skye. We share this account. I really really REALLY hope you enjoy this fanfic. Hopefully I will post every time I have an idea...don't hold me to that though. If not that once a week. I will figure out a better schedule later.



Chapter One, Runaway
Raina (POV)

I sat down on the plane seat, nearly in tears.

"How could they do this to me?"

My 'parents' were my adopted parents and they hated me. They couldn't stand me anymore and sent me to 'family' was in Sacramento. Even though I was twenty three and ready to go out into the world, they did not seem to trust me. At all. So they sent me on a plane. Away from them.

"Good," I said, "I don't need them anyway!"

People started to look at me kinda funny so I shut up and tried to tune them out, closing my eyes. This was going to be a long flight.

But this gave me some time to think. And that's when I had an idea.

~A long while later~

After a long flight and some more time to think, I had come up with the perfect plan. The plane landed and I set my plan into action. Instead of going to the exit where my 'family' was waiting, I would go to the opposite one to the right. I would gather enough money to live in a small hotel room and live there until I could afford to live elsewhere. It was perfect! Well, there might be a few minor errors, but whatever. As long as I can get away from them!

I set the first bit into action and went to the other exit. Walking out, getting my luggage, and getting out of there went by pretty fast. I got a taxi and drove out to where the dirt cheap hotels were. The taxi driver seemed to get us lost, this didn't look like where we should be... It looked like a neighborhood.

The taxi driver shouted at me, "Get out! Getoutgetoutgetout!"

I quickly got my bag and scurried out of there. Rain was pouring down on me, and I felt my clothes soak up the water.

"Weird...I wonder why he did that..." I though to myself.

Then I realized why.

My 'relatives' were in hot pursuit in a car behind me and coming fast! I started to run. It was late at night, and also raining. I was in a weird, unfamiliar neighborhood and I wanted nothing more than to get the hell out of here. One of them had a truck and passed right behind me when I hid behind a tree. Some people hopped out of the back of the truck. They didn't look too happy either...

"Shit..." I whispered.

One of them shouted and pointed to where I was hiding and I ran some more around in what seemed like circles, until both truck and people on foot were right behind me. I ran up to a random house hoping for anything good to happen. I knocked really hard, my 'relatives' not seeing me. Yet.

"Please answer. Please answer." I told myself over and over again. Until I was met with sleepy, bright blue eyes.

"Please let me in..." I said. I hoped they were nice. Anybody would seem nice at this point.

Ian (POV)

I had woken up with some obnoxious knocking on the door at nearly 1:30 in the morning. Not to mention also in a rainstorm. Which was rare, we didn't get very many rainstorms like this...

"I'll get it," I said to Anthony, who was up still from editing. He moved his head, nodding. I answered the door to find my eyes met by a pair of hazel eyes.

"Please let me in.." She said.

"I don't think I know you..." I answered.

Then I heard the faint sound of angry people coming closer and closer. A pang of fear struck in her eyes told me they were after her. Something told me to let this girl in.

So I did. I trusted my gut, and let this strange, soaking wet girl in.

I opened the door and the sopping wet girl dragged herself in as quickly as she could, shutting the door behind her. She collapsed on the floor, not moving, and panting hard.

"I'm safe...I'm FINALLY safe..." She mumbled before shutting her eyes and falling asleep on our front entrance.

*** did you like it? (Authors note 2014: how did you like it? I edited a bit, and the next few chapters will have a few minor changes :3)





It's ok to cry (Smosh Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang