Chapter Twenty Five ~ Singing in the Raina

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Hey guys! I had a loooooong week with a science fair project so I didn't get much writing done... But I wrote this!

As always, enjoy!


Chapter 25, singing in the Raina


When I woke up, it was nearly 8:00am. I had gotten a good nights sleep and I felt like being productive. Not spending countless hours on the Internet. Or... Maybe just now. It'll wake me up.

Felix and Marzia had already gone to the airport. Probably already home. I wonder if Anthony drove them... No, they probably took a cab.

I decided to take a shower before eating some breakfast and getting dressed. I grabbed a pair of skinny jeans and an shirt with the Beatles on it. I could get shoes later, if I chose to go out.

When I got in the shower, I could hear Ian and Anthony shuffling around in their room. Getting up, probably. Oops, maybe I woke them up... Oh well. They need to get up sometime.

~About 20 minutes later~

I got my clothes on and walked out of the steaming bathroom. I realized that I had no idea where a hair dryer was... Maybe Ian or Anthony has one? I know that Anthony has a straightener but... I'll ask Ian.

I knocked on his door. More shuffling. "Can I come in? It's me." Shuffling, drawers closing. "Yes!" Ian replied, his voice muffled from behind the door.

I walked in and found Ian sitting on his bed, on his laptop. His bed was made and he was dressed, he had jeans and.... A Beatles shirt. What are the odds? I went to the bed and plopped myself beside Ian. He was on but on another tab he was emailing someone about merch for smosh. I guess they had some new clothes coming.

"I got a surprise for you! You like "Legend of Zelda"?"

I nodded and grinned excitedly. He got up and went over to his drawer, pulling out a "boyfriend" style tee shirt. It said of the front in Zelda-like lettering, "Zelda is the girl". I loved it so much, I leaped up and hugged Ian, grabbed the shirt and got changed in under a minute. Maybe even thirty seconds.

I ran back into Ian's room and gave a spin. He loved it. I loved it. "Best. Surprise. EVAR!" I yelled. I was so excited about this... I mean... It's just a tee shirt. But... It just made my day. I guess that's all I need some days to put me in a good mood.

After the excitement and showing Anthony (And him pretending to be surprised), we put in some pop tarts and ate them. Yum!

We mostly just sat at the kitchen table, and talked. I realized it was Wednesday. The whole world seemed out of balance because I thought it was Monday. We talked about life changing things like video games and TV shows...

I was talking about how much I love Starbucks when I thought... What if I applied for a job there? Why not? There was one near Ian and Anthony. I could... Walk? Or... Take the bus... Or I guess I could learn how to drive. But before I learned how to drive, I could walk or take a bike or the bus. I explained that to Ian and Anthony and they thought it was a great idea.

Ian suggested that we go to Starbucks right now, and I can ask about employment. Perfect. Besides, Anthony only had to edit they're new video that they filmed with Felix and Marzia. So, with that, Ian and I left in his car for Starbucks.

~Fast forwarding to Starbucks~

Ian sat down at a table and told me to ask someone at the cash register for an application to work here.

I got in line behind two other people. Once they had ordered, I asked they lady for an application. She handed me one and explained some stuff about applying. We got talking and it turns out she is a huge fan of smosh when she said that she saw I was with Ian. She mentioned that she watched me in their cop video!

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