Chapter 8

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Ren pushes us aside, and begins to tap the keypad on the gate of the level entrance.

"It's going to need your blood." My least favorite part about leveling up is the part where they have to take your blood. It is just a tiny finger prick, but it scares me every time. I breathe on my finger to get the blood flowing, and then stick it under the pad.

A sharp needle stabs me, and blood starts to stream out of a hole in my finger. I let the blood drip on the pad, and pull it back when it soaks up my blood. I wipe it on my shirt, and then turn to Ren.

"I need to go back down, to make sure it registers you all right, but you should be able to get through." I test it, and walk forward. I pass through the invisible barrier, and then pull out the information transmitter. Ren goes back down the stairs, and Lance follows me out onto the ramp.

The Angels are stiff in their places in the rows. I wonder how many people have made it to level 75. They do not have dust settling on them, but if they could they would.

"One person has been up here." Lance tells me.

"How do you know that?" I ask.

"Kat said that, awhile ago to me." He says.

"Why does she hate you?" I wonder, forgetting we are on a timed schedule.

"If we want to make it out alive, we're going to have to hurry." He says in a bitter tone. I hate the way he is always changing on me. One day, he'll be the nice, sweet, caring Lance. The next day, he won't even look at me. The only good thing about it, is it keeps me guessing. It keeps me wrapped around his finger, not knowing who he'll be with me.

"Right." I approach the first male Angel, and quickly hook up the transmitter. I save the data without even bothering to look at it, and then come up to the female Angel. The transmitter saves the data, and then I hold it in my hands.

"Is that it? Are we done?" I ask Lance, and he nods. He starts walking towards the stairs, and I turn around.


I feel like I have been hit with a bucket of ice.

My whole body freezes, and I am still, looking at this majestical body.

The smooth lines of her face are rosy with pink at her cheeks, and glowing with light. The curve of her lips are too perfect, it seems almost unreal that I am looking at something this amazing. Her eyes are a deep sapphire blue, but more bright than ever. Long, silky light blond hair flows down her shoulders past her waist, with perfect beachy waves. I'm getting mesmerized by the perfect flow of her body shape, curves in the right spot, and yet she seems to have enough muscles to run for miles and miles.

Of course, she wouldn't need to. The flawless white wings built in her back were beautiful and strong. I reach my hand out to touch this unique creature, when Lance shouts across the walkway.

"Let's go!!" He yells, and I snap out of my fantasy. I want her. I want this Angel.

"Lance." I beg. He looks at me, and he can tell that I need her. Instead of agreeing, he stays quiet and says nothing. "Lance, please!" We've already gotten two angel prototypes, what would it hurt to become one myself?

"No!" I can see the anger starting to form on his face, darkening with every second I continue to linger.


"Nixon!" He forces out of his clenched mouth, and gives me the most fatal glare he can. Bullshit, he can screw it.

My body acts before my mind can think, and I grab onto the delicate hand and feel my body exploding with pain. Heat burns starting my fingertips, moving through my veins, and boiling in my head. I hear screams in my ear, when did I start screaming?

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