Chapter 19

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The next morning I slip through my bedroom window and quickly change into clean clothes. When I make my way downstairs, all of the lights are off and I can hear my breathing in my ears. I slowly walk down the steps and pray that they don't creak. 

My fingers wrap around the little vial in my pocket. Lance gave it to me just before leaving, and told me to pour a little in my parent's drinks. 

After a little falls into my father's glass, I walk around to the other side of the table and pour some into my mother's. I skip Terran's drink; he already knows what I've been up to. I trust him. 

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" a voice asks from the middle of the staircase, shocking me back to reality. My head shoots up, and I lock eyes with my mother. 

"I was just getting ready to eat," I say, and sit in my seat. 

"You can't pull this bullshit on me, Nixon." Her eyes narrow at me. "I'm not drinking whatever you just put into my glass." 

"Drinking what, mother?" She steps off the stairs, and my heart begins pounding. She is awake, she is awake. 

"I'm not stupid. Don't play stupid either." 

She is soon at my side. 

"I don't know what you're talking about," I say. Big mistake. 

Her hand slides into my vision and hits me across the face, and I gasp before jumping out of my seat and turning to her. 

"Don't touch me!" I nearly shriek. 

"Shhh!" she reprimands me. "You'll wake your father!" 

"So? He won't remember a damn near thing once he drinks that." 

"I have to give you credit for that," she says with a smile. "It's silly of you trying to think you can fool me though. And your brother, why have you gotten him into this mess you're in?" 

"What mess?" I ask. How much does she know? How does she know? 

"All this shit with you," she says, then grins. "I can't believe you thought you had me fooled." 

"How the hell are you awake?" I suddenly ask her. 

"What are you talking about?"

"You're awake, you're not like.. like.."

"Like a zombie?" she asks, and lets out a little chuckle. "Sweetheart, zombies are mythical creatures." 

"No, zombies are  like you, and dad, and the rest of this city," I tell her. I can feel my palms growing sweaty and my legs beginning to shake. 

"You don't actually think that everyone is brainwashed, do you?"

"Yeah, I kinda did until right now!" 

"I can't believe it's taking you this long to figure it out."

"Figure what out?" My voice is rising in pitch, and I am furious. "Spit it out already!" 

"Everyone is awake," she says. 

"No, no you're wrong," I correct her.

"No, I'm right." Her eyes are bright and sparkling. "Everyone is awake, Nixon. Everyone is aware, everyone is alive." 

"Then, then what about dad? What about the teachers at school? What about-"

"Defying the social norms would be against the regulations. The Bureau may think they're controlling everyone, but it's practically the opposite. The people have always been aware, but some are fighting this battle with Pandora and the Bureau."

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