Good Deeds For Real

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"He had the nerve to ask me out on a date when he came from a family of Nevers!" Kirsten said to her friends while Heartley, Thea, Olivia, and Claire pass by. Heartley figured out that some of the Ever girls, like Olivia and Claire accepted his lineage. Soon they were friends. They came to History class together and they hated the same person. Kirsten. Kirsten was an Ever who didn't deserve to be one. Soon, the rumor spread and some of the Evers didn't like him that much too but they didn't really hate him and some adored him, being Good while he was raised by an Evil family and all.

"What's her deal anyway?" Olivia rolled her eyes while they passed the tunnel of trees to the History of Fairy Tales class. "I don't know. I think she's allergic to Nevers." Claire said. "Well I'm now an Ever aren't I?" He said "yes you are. And we can attest to that." Thea replied with a sweet smile. Thea, was no doubt; pure Good.

"This time, we will study about how  Reena and Nicholas beat Arachne." Princess Uma said in front of the class and soon, the class started taking notes on how to beat villains and occasionally; Thea threw crumpled paper at him that has doodles and puns about the lesson while he laughed at them and sent them back. Heartley headed off to his Handling Swords class and his friends went to their Princess Etiquette class.

Heartley was never used to swords. His father didn't have them and his mother was all about spells. In their mansion, they didn't have an armory. Soon, most of the Ever boys laughed at him because of his lack of skill. Professor Manley were their teacher. "What are you doing?!" He shouted. "I'm trying!" Heartley retorted. "Get your sparring partner." Professor said. Heartley could not find a partner because everyone knew he wasn't good in sword handling until Axel came up to him "hey bro. Want to be my sparring partner?" He said and Heartley was suddenly thankful to have a friend like Axel. He tried and tried but in the end Axel always won. By the end of the class Axel came up to him "hey bro, let's train sometime shall we?" He said with a smirk and Heartley couldn't be more thankful for Queen Agatha and King Tedros for raising such wonderful children. "Thank you." He said with a smile. Some of his classmates muttered things like "maybe they aren't taught how to fight with swords from where he's from." Or "hah. Newb." But Heartley knew more than to be offended by them.

"Hello class, I'm Pollux. Today we'll be learning simple etiquette like straighter posture, good manners, and being kinder." Pollux said, with a smile he had his body this time.

Thea Rose was bred to have good manners and a pure heart so she didn't have a hard time balancing the books and showing good manners. By the end of the class, a blazing "1" was on top of her head and soon Kirsten had "2" on hers and then Olivia had "3" and Claire had "4" Pollux called Thea Rose and she came to her. "I see your parents raised a prim and proper girl." She said. Thea Rose was flattered . "Thank you Professor Pollux." She replied. "I wish you could tell them to come over some time." Pollux said with a wink and Thea Rose nodded. "Okay you may go to lunch now. Your friends are waiting for you." She said.

Thea Rose didn't get to eat with Heartley today but at least she had Olivia and Claire with her. "Oh em gee! Have you guys seen Charles? He's so cute!" Claire squealed and swooned over Charles. Thea shook her head and giggled at Claire and Olivia. "What? Like you guys don't like anyone." Claire retorted and rolled her eyes. "I don't." Olivia quickly replied and then both Thea and Claire looked at her mischievously. "I'm scared." She cooed. "Say it." Thea said. "Spit it out. Oh I mean sing it out Olivia." Claire added. "Fine. I like Ralph but it's no use even if I did like him, he wouldn't like me back. I'm ugly." Olivia said with tears in her eyes. Thea didn't know what she was talking about. To her, Olivia was beautiful inside and out. "Olivia, you're absolutely beautiful inside and out." Thea said and Claire nodded in agreement as they hugged her. "They don't think so." Olivia said, referring to Kirsten and her minions. "Who cares about what they think anyway?" Claire said and they all giggled.

Heartley missed lunch with Thea because he practiced sword handling with Axel but he was sure she was okay because she was with Olivia and Claire. Soon enough, he was able to fight Axel but he still could not beat him. He still needed practice. If he wanted to pass, he had to top the challenges. "Getting better, Heartley." Axel said, dodging Heartley's strike "thanks." Heartley replied, breathlessly. He took a step back and they clashed their swords and after a few strikes and dodges, Axel won by putting the blade of his sword near Heartley's neck but holding it in a safe distance. "You win. Again." Heartley said, hopelessly. "This is your first time and I had a bit of a hard time beating you so cheer up. You're  better than you think. Plus, you still have five minutes to get to my sister now go." He said. Heartley quickly stood up "thanks bro." They bumped their fists and Heartley rushed to Thea.

Thea was with Olivia and Claire on the table beside their favorite tree. "What's up?" He said and Thea gasped, shocked. "You scared me. Oh my goodness you're so sweaty. Where have you been?" She said laughing. "I was with your brother. He was training my sword handling skills." He said. "Oh I didn't know Axel had a heart." She replied once again, laughing. "Your brother is a good friend Thea. But you're better." He said with a wink. Oops. He didn't mean to sound flirty. "I know." She said with a hint of sarcasm and they all laughed.

They went to their next class, Good deeds. "Hello class. I'm Professor Clarissa Dovey, your dean. We'll be learning how to help today." She said. "First, we'll recall the five rules that Yuba had taught you in your Surviving Fairytales class. Who has any idea what the first rule is?" Heartley raised his hand "The Evil attack, The Good defend." He said. "Correct. Next?" Professor Dovey said. Thea's hand shot up "The Evil punish, The Good forgive." She said. Professor Dovey nodded. Kirsten's hand shot up "The Evil hurt, The Good help." She said. Professor Dovey pointed at Olivia "The Evil take, The Good give." Olivia said. Axel raised his hand "The Evil hate.. The Good love." He said. "Correct, all of you. Now The Evil hurt, The Good Help. That's what we're gonna do today. For your first challenge in my class, let us see what you'll be doing to help each person or creature that needs help. First student was Olivia. Professor Dovey held out her wand and with a whoosh of it, there was an old lady and the scene of a forest. "Help.. Me.. child.. I'm hungry." The old woman said. Olivia looked frantically for spare food in her pockets. When she couldn't see any food; she gave up looking for any. "I don't have any food on me, unfortunately. But you can come with me to my castle and I'll feed you." She said, politely and lead the old woman to her castle and in a flick of Professor Dovey's wand, the old woman disappeared and so did the scene. "Nicely done dear." The next was Axel, who fought the beast that was attacking a young boy in the woods. Every scene seemed to be played in a fast forward manner. "Very good!" Professor Dovey exclaimed. Claire helped a young child go to her grandmother's cottage, Heartley helped a dying child by carrying her to the nearest hospital even though he was really tired, Kirsten squealed at the sight of an old man having a heart attack and ran off, and she was the last. She saw a crying child in the corner she went to her and patted her shoulder "what's wrong?" She asked the child who was sniffing. "I c-c-can't f-find m-my p-p-parents." She looked frantically in the magical hologram forest for the child's parents and soon there were tears in her eyes. She carried the child and ran and ran but she couldn't find her parents. Soon, she saw her castle and she ran to it and brought the child to the castle, feeling like it was hours and she was in tears "I'm sorry to put you in such misery your highness." The child said. "I shall help you even if my life depended on it. And I will. I swear you will find your parents" the child sniffed on her shoulder. She had to help this poor child. But finally they reached the castle and soon the guards found the child's parents "thank you, Princess Thea Rose. I owe you my life." She said and she kissed Thea's cheek and the scene vanished. Soon everyone clapped their hands with tears in their eyes. Thea didn't see what was so special with what she did. They all helped someone after all. Professor Dovey dabbed on her teary eyes. "Congratulations to Axel,Thea Rose, and Heartley for all of them have earned their ranks. What you all don't know is that you have helped real people and this was no illusion. " the three saw three blazing "1's" on their heads. The students gasped, knowing that they had helped someone suddenly most of them broke into tears. They all earned their ranks and Kirsten saw a "20" in green flames on her head and Thea, Heartley, Olivia, and Claire chuckled.

After Good Deeds, they proceeded to their next subject. Animal Communication. Princess Uma stood in front of them and behind her, there was a pond.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2016 ⏰

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