One: What's that girls name again?

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Kellin's POV

"Kellin you did so well last night." A sleepy voice said to me. I pulled the covers off and began getting dressed.

I was in high school. I was popular and I slept with a lot of girls. So what, I wasn't cheating. We weren't dating or anything. "Uhh...thanks" shit what was her name again? "Thanks Kaylee."

"Seriously? Kaylee. You're an ass kellin. My name is Kristen. Ugh wow I'm leaving." She put her clothes on and stormed out of the room. Oops.

I could've sworn her name was kaylee. Oh well. I continued to get ready and checked the time. I was late for school.

I climbed into the shower. I took a quick one considering I was already late for school. I stepped out and slipped on a tshirt, skinnies and my black vans. I grabbed the keys to my Mercedes and drove to school.
I arrived 15 minutes later and walked into class. The teacher looked at me and frowned.
"You're late, mister Quinn."
"Ahh yes I apologize Mr. Lutz,"
"Have a seat. I'll see you in detention after school today" he said. I sighed.

Mr. Lutz started giving a long boring lecture about some famous mathematician who did something which I could care less about. I paid people to do my homework. He finished out the lecture and the bell soon rang. I rolled through all my classes until lunch came around.
I went to my usual table with all of my close friends. Justin, Jack, Alex, Oli, and a few cheerleaders Dani, Ashley, and Haley.

I sat down and ate my food quickly, so I could talk to my friends more. "Did you hear about the new kid?" Alex asked.
"Uhh what new kid?" I had no idea who he was talking about. Dani chimed in.
"He's checking into the office right now. His name is Vic. I hear he's tan and muscular and totally hot!"

Oh. Hell. No. Vic was NOT going to take any of the pretty girls from me. If he thinks he's going to just waltz in and have all the girls all over him without me not doing something about it, he had something else in store.

Apparently I must've been zoned out because Haley waved her hand in my face before I snapped into reality. "Kells, you okay?" She asked. I nodded.
"Yeah I'm fine. I was just remembering that I have detention today." I lied. I was actually worried about Vic taking MY cheerleaders. I threw my tray away and walked into the hallway I ran into someone, knocking the stuff out of their hands.

"Ugh. Oh I-I'm sorry." He said. I looked at him. It was that new kid. Vic, I got a good look at him. He had shoulder length wavy hair, he was tan and skinny, but not too skinny and he had muscle. He seemed to be just slightly shorter than me. I finished picking up his stuff then handing it to him.

"Hey, you're that Vic dude, right?" I asked. He shyly nodded. I fake smiled and held my hand out.
"I'm kellin. It's nice to meet you." I said. It really wasn't. Let's face it, this guy was attractive. No homo tho. Right? No wait ew gross sleeping with girls is great. Not sleeping with guys. Besides I'm straight. But he was good looking and he would get girls all over him. I was not about to let him take my girls.

Yo guys so I just finished flying and it was terrifying! It was definitely worth it though. I'm finally is Florida and going to Disney world! Yay I'm so excited! Any of my readers live in Florida? Hmu yo! Lol jk. But this is my new Kellic fan fic so I hope you like it. Anyway vote, comment and all that jazz, sorry if it sucks btw! Love y'all -Dez

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