Chapter 13 - Switched

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I wasn't sure if they were testing me or just wanted to get rid of Lynn and her guard. I couldn't let them get killed, they saved me from the prison. "Well....maybe they can help us find what we came for?" I suggested looking up at Christina who looked like she had a complete other plan.

She picked Lynn off the floor looking at her with a very deadly looking glare. "Isn't this his daughter?" She suddenly asked giving me the same glare dropping Lynn onto the floor.

"The more reason to keep her alive, bait, information. We don't have to kill everyone we see." I said looking sternly back at her taking out some rope and kneeling down. "Act along." I whispered into Lynn's ear as I tied Lynn her hands stuck against Ciro's hand so they were on the ground back to back. "Now, you two will help us find every helpful piece of your fathers plan." I said.

I looked back over at Hagan who was still going through every book an d placing them back in their place, at least he wasn't making a mess. We couldn't fix the door so it didn't really matter though, they will obviously know someone broke into the office. "You could always go to the library..." Lynn said reminding me of the book she told me about.

I looked at Christina as she nodded and walked out of the room going on the look for the book. I couldn't go look for myself since I didn't trust leaving them alone with her. "Hagan try to look for letters, we need to know who is contacts are." I commanded as he simply nodded and started opening the drawers of the desk.

"If we find the contacts, will they be our next targets?" He asked taking out a big pile of letters with a smirk. "Oh we're gonna have so much of killing to do." He added.

I walked over to the desk looking at the big pile of letters, hopefully some belonged to the same person or we would be busy for a while. Hagan started digging into the letters looking at the stamp on each letter and sorting the same seals on a separate pile.

"Targets or possible allies, we never know how these people stand against everything Acerbi is planning." I said looking at the seal that held a familiar weapon shield.

Christian suddenly run inside the room out of breath. "Guys! I found something!" She said panting. God I almost forgot about the real point of this mission, we have to find out who murdered Lynn her uncle as well. "I picked up the book with the Templar sign and a door opened behind a bookshelf." She explained.

I dropped the letter and walked over to Lynn and Ciro cutting the rope with my hidden blade pulling both up. "You are both coming with me." I said holding there arms behind there back roughly pushing them out of the room. I felt bad for hurting them, but i have to keep this act up so Christina won't suspect anything.

Walking down the hall towards the library I let go of both as they rubbed their wrists. "Sorry." I muttered passing them both and going towards the bookshelf that was partly open. I pulled it further open revealing a staircase light up with torches, you know your typical bad guys secret layer.

"I didn't know we had this..." Ciro said looking over my shoulder. He must feel betrayed knowing other guards probably knew more including his brother. I started walking down the two following closely as if anything could pop up. Not sure myself if there was no one here, there could always be guards down there or worse one of the council members.

With my free hand resting on the handle of my sword I made sure nothing could suddenly jump at us. Suddenly I felt a hand on mine as Lynn moved near me looking a bit scared. The fact I wasn't able to act fast now was a bit of a problem, but I didn't mind her clinging on a bit.

Ciro was unarmed at the moment so all he could do was run with Lynn to safety if something happens. I was glade Lynn had someone like him, keeping her safe from her own family as well as keeping her company. It was like Sky and I, only I had to keep her safe of Lynn her family just like Ciro.

A couple of other footsteps made me suddenly stop. I looked at Ciro and Lynn putting a finger in front of my lips telling them to be silent. Pulling the hidden blade out and gripping onto the sword I waited for another hint or sign.

It was silent for a while. "Hey Dawn we fou-" My attention went from Christina shouting down the stairs to the guard swinging his sword at me. My first reaction was to block with my sword, but Lynn's arm stopped me as the blade cut into my elbow.

Taking a step back groaning in pain I held my hand onto my elbow applying pressure to the wound.


I didn't see the guard until Dawn pulled her arm, that I was holding, suddenly up. Ciro pulled me back by my waist as Dawn took the hit. It was obviously that she was in pain all because I was holding onto her, now she was wounded because of me. "Help her!" I commanded Ciro who tried to escape back up the stairs.

He groaned annoyed as he let go of me and ran back down the stairs. The guard recognized him and stopped attacking seeing Dawn was hurt anyway and not able to attack back. "Ciro, what is happening upstairs? How did an assassin enter this place?!" instead of answering Ciro just slammed his fist against the guards face.

The guard was taken back for a sec before attacking Ciro back as Ciro grabbed the torch and stopped the blade. He punched the guard in the face again knocking him out this time. The guard fell limp against the wall his blade dropping with a loud noise. "Is everything okay there?!" Turning around I saw Christina run down.

The sight would cause her to most likely hate us more and think we attacked Dawn. "What did you do?!" She shouted angry pushing me against the wall.

"The guard attacked her not us!" Ciro yelled back pulling her off me and pointing at the knocked out guard. "If we wanted her dead she already would have been!" He added. I passed the two as they kept fighting and knelt down next to Dawn.

She was still pushing her hand on her elbow losing a lot of blood, if we didn't put a bandage on it fast she might pass out of blood lose. "Try to apply pressure a little longer, we gonna patch you up." I said putting her arm over my shoulder putting us both back up walking up the stairs. Passing the two arguing "guards" I just stayed quite until we reached the library.

Hagan was upstairs holding a pile of letters and papers, his expression changed quickly to worried seeing his leader bleed. "Can you help?" I asked as he just nodded putting everything on the table in the middle of the library and taking over Dawn. "Just put her on the chair and keep pressure on the wound."


After a lot of begging and Ciro putting enough arguments on the table, Chirstina had to allow us to come with them. I was too worried and felt too guilty to leave Dawn alone wounded. When i got back to Hagan she was unconscious, I patched her up and Hagan said they had to go back to headquarters before anyone would show up. Christina had blindfolded Ciro and I as they walked us through what I assume to be some kind of tunnel.

Sitting here again only the rolls turned felt weird, we were in the room -, in the town Dawn brought me when she helped me. This time she was the wounded one and I was the one at the side feeling guilty.

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